
Responses from emailists

Belt for TW Raven
Try and find the threads on the holographic mylar. 
Vandersteen 7 at Audio Connection
Can anyone comment on the dynamics, both micro and macro?I have heard the sevens but didn't play close enough attention to this aspect. 
Vandersteen Model 7 in large room with power music
Is there anywhere in South Florida to hear the Vandersteen 7.Either an owner or dealer?Thanks. 
Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?
Can anyone else from RMAF comment on hearing this speaker?I recently heard it and I feel it is potentially a huge paradigm shift for the audio industry. 
Viva vs. WAVAC amps
Holy back from the dead threads - Nine years later, an update! That has to be an A'gon record. 
Thought on OTL tube amps
As a user of OTL's for over 20 years, and now an Atma dealer, I might add that anyone who has heard Atma-sphere amps over the years, should try and here Ralph's latest designs.As fantastic, detailed, quick and lifelike as they always were, they ha... 
Atma Sphere deserves praise
The .1 update to the amp circuit was Ralph discovering some new topology that went against traditional thinking on the subject. He made quite sure that what he discovered was in fact a step forward before unleashing it on the world. The cost are q... 
Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing
With a traditional preamp in the system, I like the PWD at 100 volume. 
Modernists Unite, or: saying no to room treatment
The biggest thing one can do to a room without impacting it too much visually is to treat the corners for echoslap. I own a bunch of Roomtunes corner traps, and a number of years ago, before adding Realtraps - which are amazing but intrusive - jus... 
Atma Sphere S30 amp
It's always great to read about someone trying out Atma-sphere gear for the first time. I went from user to NYC dealer.My journey with Atma gear has been over twenty years. I like to think what they do best is not necessarily a frequency thing or ... 
Moby concert and ear damage?
Regarding foam earplugs set deep, what I often do is rip one in half. It still provides the same protection, but when it's flush with the ear, there is no half of the plug sticking out. It helps when I wear them sometimes even in bars where there ... 
most articulate speaker
I too have been on a multi-year long quest for articulation in a speaker.Having a friend that has Soundlab U1's I can say that they definitely have this quality, as well as the Sunny horn speakers that Clement Perry uses.Both are huge speakers, ho... 
Moby concert and ear damage?
I too have had to stop going to most shows. Much too loud.And yes, there are subharmonic synthesizers used to create lowfreqs. 
Isolation /platform for TW Raven One
You can look up some of my posts to see responses about this topic, but basically, TW suggests a 1 inch thick slate for the table to rest on. I replaced the stock feet (mine didn't come with stillpoints - which yours probably do) with a Sistrum SP... 
Benefits of a record ring
FWIW, I use the TTweights ring, clamp and platter on my Raven One and like the results.