
Responses from ehider

cable as tone control
If you are willing to make your own cables, I can provide you with some various designs to try that will allow you to custom tune the sound of the cable. These are very cheap to make, they just take many hours to contruct. 
New DAC versus higher end used DAC?
My advice is to make sure that you get yourself a 24 bit machine. My Stan Warren modified 24 bit MSB DAC has sonically beat up quite a few ot the older 20 bit Levinsons, Thetas and Krells. Stan's work definately brought the MSB into a completely d... 
The best Subwoofer
Dunlavy! Has anybody seen their new offerings? Can we say "huge"? Their new top of the line sub towers are actually designed to be paired with the SC-VI speakers (as if these speakers did not go low enough already!)Their top sub weighs in at 600lb... 
In my experience, the regular MSB Link DAC which has been modified by Stan Warren cannot be sonically touced by anything close to $2500, let alone $1000. The great part is that the total cost with mods is less than $700.00. There are quite a few a... 
are older speakers anywhere close to the new stuff?
In my experience there has been quite a bit of improvement with the silk dome tweeters that were not available until recently. I recently heard a pair of $200 Sound Dynamics speakers trounce a 10 year old top of the line Theil speaker (from the mi... 
low efficiency speaker vs. high efficiency speaker?
Some great responses above, and here's another point to consider. Many solid state desingers will not admit it, but quite a few designs sound better in their 1st 20% of power delivered, than in the next 80% left. In many ways this makes perfect el... 
Depth of sound stage--I need help
I agree with Chelillingworth, your 333es can definately be improved. I have repeatedly stated for some time now about how Sony (and virtually all other Japanese cd players) use very meager sounding output devices. We are talking about cheap op amp... 
Best three way cross over?
There may be a simple solution to your problem. Some speaker drivers improve dramaticaly with the implementation of a zobel network across the driver . Both my friends Dunlavys and Pipedream speakers were improved with zobels placed across their d... 
1st Question-have CDP 's really improved in recent years?
The answer is a resounding yes! My Stan Warren modified 24 bit MSB DAC has sonically whipped all of the older designed 18 or 20 bit DACs that I have compared it to. I'm talking about the big names here like Krell and Theta. Have you ever wondered ... 
more major players jumping on the sacd bandwagon
As I stated 6 months ago, I worked for a major IC chipset manufacturer, and they anticipate REDUCED demand for SACD support chips by 2003. Now, I received some very ugly responses to the above statement six months ago. Well for those of you who de... 
Help I need some speaker suggestions
You might be able to find a used pair of Dunlavy III at this price point. I'm suggesting these because of their driver configuration. With this type of speaker that employs mids and woofers above and below a centralized tweeter, there is less powe... 
Has anyone listened to Legacy speakers?
I own a pair of Legacy Whispers and have discovered many good and bad things about all of Legacy's speaker offerings and their design guidlines. The good news:Legacy's speakers seem to offer more bang for the buck in terms of thier quality of driv... 
What are the best CD-changers?
The reason that you can't find the Awia changer is that as of last week it is now discontinued. Leave it up to Awia to stop making one of the truley great audiophile anomolies. I have heard that some obscure Best Buy stores do have some of their s... 
What are the best CD-changers?
Dear Chazzbo, you make a very good point about the Adcom, but consider this: For less than $700, you can buy TWO Awias and an MSB! , which with it's 24bit D/A, will soncially crush the Adcom. Then, when you are up to crushing the much bigger (read... 
CD / DVD player suggestions
I think I may know of something that suits both of your needs. Stan Warren has been getting world class results by modifying a 24/96 Pioneer DVD player. He does not actually do this for videophiles, but for audio guys wanting great CD perfomance, ...