
Responses from ehider

help with DAC w/current system
Based on my experience, most ot the newer 24 bit dacs are much better, then any of the older 20 bits converters. This holds true even for the modestly priced 24 bit dacs, like a modified MSB Link. (Assuming that it has a modified output section ,l... 
Compare the Nautilus Tweeter to DIY
As said by many of the others, you can not go wrong with the Morel MDT33. It is indeed a better tweeter, as compared to the B&W unit. It can be charactarised as sounding sweeter, with a less harsh metalic sound and it does not break up when dr... 
Rate the Audiophile Publications
Streophile: Sucks, TAS: Sucks Worse, What Hi-fi: Partial to Brit gear, The worst: Audio Critic (all wires and amps sound the same?, yea right!). Sorry to be so negative, but when you have a close friend that is a reviewer at one of these mags, you... 
Best Find Ever???
Bought 48 pairs of Baltic speakers (8 years ago) for $105.00 per pair delevered (each speaker weighed 45 lbs. each!). These tower speakers were respectable three way designs with west german drivers, that had bass response down to 25 hz! Their ori... 
the best not always the best
I've faced the asme exact dilemma. Based on my experience, the frustration comes from increacing the resolution of a system, which then allows you to hear and identify more of the good and the bad. Its this "bad" that becomes the focus, which driv... 
How are Von Schweikert speakers?
Von Schweikert speakers are notorious for having many generation updates year after year, (until each model is discontinued or completely revised). This has me wondering if each model is a "work in progress" , for the consumer to buy, as the devel... 
Are Audiophiles Obsessive Nuts?
Obsessive? Cmon, just because I buy a new component every year, and spend more time changing cables and auditioning equipment, does NOT mean that I am obsessive. In fact, last night I spent two hours adjusting the toe angle of my speakers while li... 
Any DIYer s out there ?
Great thread! I have been DIYing everything I have owned for years! As an Electrical Engineer, I have discovered that virtually every component or speaker can be improved regardless of price. For example; Dunlay speakers : change out the Inductors... 
LINN A/V 51. (This system costs $27,000 , so it better be good!) To make this system even better, upgrade the rears with Linn's full range speakers. This brings the total to $33K. 
Wilson WATT...worth buying?
If you decide to buy this speaker, buy it used. There are a plethoria of them out there, at a fraction of the original price. Would I recomennd them? No.(Ever wondered why there are so many used Watts available?) Wilson has been riding his reputat... 
Congested sound, new speakers?
I think that you may have nailed the problem by singling out the Theils. Although, Theils' products are very well designed from a time/phase perspective, all of those elements he uses in the crossover may contribute to that "confused" sound. (This... 
Sony SCD-777es or Modified Link DAC III
Follow-up to above answer. To expand on my term "properly modified", I mean a stripping out the entire origianl output devices, and replacing them with a serious descrete output stage. This is in Addiotn to digital filter enhancements and power su... 
Sony SCD-777es or Modified Link DAC III
Yes. The MSB (if properly modified..perhaps by Stan Warren for instance) will crush the Sony. There is no comparison between these units. The MSB, after it is modified correctly, is an unbelievable D/A which gives other ultra expensive d/a's a ser... 
taddeo digital anecdote - digital savior
It is an analog filter that gently rolls off the highs, so that you hear less of the digital nasties. Unfortunatly, you will also lose some of the "air" and space around instruments, when you use this type of "improvement". Digital has come a long... 
Too snobbish for SACD as it exists?
The Japanese offerings all have a serious problem when it comes to their choice of output devices in their players. NONE of the current SACD offerings use a decent output stage. There are definate sonic problems which are associated with this unfo...