
Responses from ehider

Stan Warren mod Aiwa xc37m CD transport
I have two. This cheapo 5 disc player works exceptionaly well with 24/96 dacs that use sigma/delta D/A converters. Apparently, this particular type of converter has a high immunity to jitter, because of the input reciever that it is paired with. T... 
Stereophile's refusal to review more low
Stereophile is a business. They need advertising dollars to survive. I have a personal friend who had one of the best sub $1500 D/A converters available, during 1997. When he approached Sterophile for a review, he was told bluntly:"As soon as you ... 
How did U get into this expensive hobby?
I fell down and hit my head. 
How much are you worth ?
After the tech. colapse in the Nasdaq, I'm worth -$400k!This puts my $30k stereo into a ratio of 1 x 1000000000000 to infinity % , of my total net worth. I guess I must be the most devoted audiophile ever! 
Stupid DAC question
I second the recommendation on the 5 disc aiwa player. I am currently driving my highly modified msb dac with this cheapo player. Its hard to believe, but it is realy a great match for this dac. Make sure that you use the optical out though. The i... 
Sony DVP-9000es vs. XA-7ES thoughts.
Go with the mods from Stan Warren first. His modifications are less expensive, yet they are the most sonicaly sophisticated. He is the only mod guy that I know of that utilizes a unique proprietary output stage, that is world class by anyone's sta... 
The top ten reasons why.....
I have determined the ultimate sound system using only the wave radio! Buy 8 pairs of the wave radio's and stack them 8 high, separated 10 feet apart. Unhook the right channel speakers on the left sides, and vis versa on the right. (This will allo... 
The best sub $1000 cd player
Stan Warren modified Pioneer DVD 24/96 player. It is way under $1000, yet it is way up there sonically with the $3000+ "audiophile" players. (I know of many audiophiles that have $30k+ systems, that are using this particular unit in their front en... 
Speakers for Near Wall Placement
I feel that there is a better choice than the speakers listed in the prior posts. There is a speaker that is made by Northcreek with this exact scenario in mind.( This particular speaker was designed to sound great when placed very close to walls ... 
Yes, this is an absolute necessity, period! Depending on which brand your purchaced, the differnce is anything but subtle. I had my 4 year old, 56" Sony xbr calibrated by John Gannon, a ISF tech., who now an editor for home theater review magazine... 
Loudspeakers played LOUD
You are correct in your assesment about Legacy speakers. When it comes to loud, very few speakers can touch these at their same price point, especially if you buy them used. Unfortuntely, Legacys are no where near as refined, or as transparent, as... 
There is one fatal flaw in Revel speakers, which I suspect makes them not so "perfect". They use fourth order crossovers. Although these crossovers allow each individual driver to operate more linear at their frequency extremes, there is a rotatio... 
Magnepans,tweeters on inside or outside?
I owned many Magnepans models for many years, and was EXTREMELY anal about toe-in, distances from the walls, and the inside/ outside tweeter preferences. After about 14 months of trying virtually every variation, I can state the following: With th... 
Is TACT RCS 2.0 truly transparent
Nothing is transparent, and the Sigtech units (at a much higher price) are considered better by most who have tried these digital units. With that said, I must say that I would rather have a TACT in my system, than not. Every time I have heard the... 
"more forgiving speakers"
Sometimes a speaker will have a rolled off high end, other times it will not have the resolving detail to show all of the inherent sonic nasties, that lesser audio components tend to have. A forgiving speaker is less apt to show these sonic aberat...