

Responses from efner

Best Satellite speaker out there?
Gallo Strada's 
Speaker suggestions at around $30k
Mike do yourself a favor and at least listen to the gallos 
Speaker suggestions at around $30k
Gallo ref3.5 and save $24,000 
CD player closest to vinyl?
Arc cd7 or cd8 
Power cable for Audio Research DSi200
Don't waste your money.ARC uses very good power cables. 
proac tablette - signatures / rainmakers, et al
Audio Research DS 450 amp......thoughts
There is one instrument that can disprove all the theory's in the world,and that is the Human Ear! 
Audio Research DS 450 amp......thoughts
Flex2Before you bash a product you should at least listen to it in a familiar environment. and in the case of the new ARC digital amps make sure they've had several hundred hrs to burn in.I have the Dsi 200 and it's evolved into an outstanding amp... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
Tubegroover, your right ARC resale is among the best in the industry,I just think that some people must be feeling cheated because ARC keeps improving their product line.To me that criticism makes no sense. 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
Lets all keep in mind that we are talking about a company that is highly respected for both its products and customer relations.We're throwing stones at the top of the heap.If you want to criticize a company for poor business practices,I think ARC... 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
No one,not even ARC forces you to upgrade.If new better products effect your re-sale value,I don't think ARC should care to much about that.They are a business that has to fight to make a PROFIT.Some people don't seem to understand Capitalism. 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
Onhwy61,The point is that the LS27 is better then the LS26.I know a top engineer who had a LS26 in his tightly controled,very neutral listening room..He replaced it with the LS27 and theres no question it sounds better.There must have been somethi... 
Opinions on a good HT/Music AVR
The Arcam receivers are very good for music and theater.I know a couple of sound engineers who use them in their home theater rooms.And they are resonably priced 
Has anybody heard the new Audio Research LS 27?
ARC may come out with new products every few years,but how can one criticize when the continue to push sota forward? 
Leben CS600 or ARC VSi60 with Harbeth Compact 7's
First I think you should ask yourself which mfg.would be more dependable,and most likely to stand behind their product,which has the best overall reputation etc. then I'd get my hands on the vsi60 and the Leben,and compare them side by side with t...