

Responses from efner

Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Sorry I misread the question as well. 
Which speaker has the biggest sound stage?
Gallo 3.5 
Any experience with AR Dsi200?
Hi,Gallo 3.5'sOpus4HDARC Dac7Cardas Neutral Ref. All around 
Any experience with AR Dsi200?
I just bought a demo with very few hrs on it to compare with my vsi60And I have to say I'm very pleasantly surprised!While a little different than the vsi60, I am having a hard time deciding which amp I like better in my system! 
Audio research or Manley 300B pre amp for Upgrade
Musicophile,I agree that was poorly stated.What I meant to say was in my mind the LS27 sounds great and that's the first one I'd reach for. I'm getting older and sometimes my brain doesn't keep up with my fingers.I do really like Manley stuff,And ... 
ARC VS-115 Amp with new KT-120 Tubes
I put a set in my VSI60 two days ago and after 12 hrs or so the sound is the best I've heard from ANY Arc amp so far.Tight,deeper bass,wider more defined soundstage.And I thought the response and timbre improved as well.I think has vastly improved... 
Audio research or Manley 300B pre amp for Upgrade
Without question the LS27,No need to get to the ref.5 
Need Blues Rec--burn the house down guitar stuff
You gotta get some Danny Gatton and don't forget Stevie Ray 
Need Blues Rec--burn the house down guitar stuff
You gotta get some Danny Gatton 
Integrated for Gallo 3.1
I'm using Cardas Neutral Reference Speaker cables 
Best tube mono blocks under $15,000?
Hi wrm57,I used snappers with a shimp and was also unhappy with the results,flat,no detail,etc.Then I tried them with a ARC LS26.an amazing difference.I think the shimp was your weak link. 
Integrated for Gallo 3.1
I have a vsi60 that I run my Gallo 3.5's with.I love the combo.don't let anybody try to tell you you need hi current SS amps for this speaker.The vsi is a fantastic match. 
Best tube mono blocks under $15,000?
I like the Manley Snappers better 
New DAC or Speakers? What will put airy-ness in?
Try a pair of Gallo3.1s they sound very good with most amps.I saw a pir for $1200 here. 
Money well spent on Amp or Speakers
I'd replace the Rotel amps with a used Manley Stingray.If you don't poke it you can always resell it here and not lose much if any money.The stingray puts out 45 "tube" watts and sounds great.they can be had for about $1300.