

Responses from efner

Ayre AX7e MP vs ARC CD3 mk2
Hi Bjesien,ARC will still repair pieces they made back in the 70"s! 
Audio Research CD3 MK2 vrs Cambrdige 840C
I agree with Elberoth2. 
Tube amp, more low end
I think you made the right move.Be patient my friends a top engineer and he took weeks to get his dialed in,and it sounds amazing. 
Tube amp, more low end
Or as I said add the Gallo 200wpc sub amp 
suggestions for preamp/amp combos
Good luck,And remember to listen with YOUR ears. 
Tube amp, more low end
The 3.1s are not'hard to drive" I've had a pair,As for good output transformers and poer supplies,the Manley snappers at $4000 retail,do the job extreamly well.And they feature EL34's 
Tube amp, more low end
I definetly would keep the EL34's! 
Tube amp, more low end
With the Gallo sub amp it will be like having stereo sub woofers,and they blend in perfectly wth the rest of the speakers 
Tube amp, more low end
I've used both 100w Manley Snappers and my current ARC VSI60 with 3.1'sThey have both sounded great.I f your amp does'nt provide enough bass for youI'd strongly suggest you pickup a used Gallo sub amp.You can git one for less than $500 nad it will... 
suggestions for preamp/amp combos
I know you said pre/power,But I love my ARCVSI60>And it will drive any speakers. 
Ayre AX7e MP vs ARC CD3 mk2
I have over the last few years,become convinced that ARC offers at, or near state of the art, at very resonable prices.I think the CD3 is a great player,and impossible to beat at todays used prices($2200 on A'gon).The ARC stuff is bullet proof,and... 
Audio Research VT130, VT100 MkII or VTM120?
Cmcdaniel5,I can't argue with you there.I saw that someone has listed a VT130SE for $3500. 
Audio Research VT130, VT100 MkII or VTM120?
Cmcdaniel5,I can't argue with you there. 
Audio Research VT130, VT100 MkII or VTM120?
The VT130 images well but compared to ARCS newer designs,the bass control is considered weak.It was designed in the 90's.As for price,I don't think their a bargan at $3000.They seem to be living on their past reputation. 
Audio Research VT130, VT100 MkII or VTM120?
I'd buy the VS115 over a VT130se anyday.Or maybe a pair of Manley Snappers!!I have a friend who had a VT130SE and bought a pair of Snappers and was blown away!P.S. He is a multiple Grammy winning Sound Engineer!