

Responses from efner

The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
I didn't mean to sound harsh.But there are many who feel that the ref 3 is the best they've heard,and that the LS26 is a very close second. 
The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
Audiofeil,Help me understand, Is it you personal opinion that my statement was inaccurate? I'm basing my statement on the opinions of some of the best recording engineers in the world. I hardly find their opinions laughable. 
The audio research arc line- from top to bottom.
LS 26 without a doubt.The second best pre-amp int the world 
Tube Pre-Amp: Audio Research or McIntosh
I've owneed them both and found that the LS26 is in another class all together from the MC2200 
WOW factor
Looking for Almost Full Range Speakers
I would'nt buy anything before I tried the Proac D-15. 
ProAc Studio 140's or Response D15's?
I have a similar sized room and find any Proac larger than the 1sc too bass heavy.Be very careful. The 1 Sc's sound very good (maybe unbeatable) in the right space.I have a proac sub and don't use it! 
ProAc budget level S.S. or Digital amp synergy?
Hi CDC,The proac'like good electronics and can sound pretty bad with some lower end gear.I can understand how some folks may think they sound bright with the wrong front end. 
ProAc budget level S.S. or Digital amp synergy?
CDC,I was curious about your statement that the response tweeter has tweeter troubles and requires laid back amps.I think they are extremley accurate and require accurate amps. They are revealing but I've heard them sound world class with several ... 
ProAc budget level S.S. or Digital amp synergy?
Digital Try the ARC 150.2I ran one with my 1sc's worked great.300.2 worked better.....Go all out and get a used pair of Manley Snapper's and a Manley Shrimp and you'll never look back 
Problem with Audio Research Ref 3 or Ref 210's
Did you inadvertantly change the gain setting? 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Dave,I'm curious about your impressions of the HD220.I have a 300.2,and I'm thinking of upgrading.I've been unable to audition the HD220.The rest of my system consist of a ARC CD3MK2,a ARC LS26 and proac 1sc speakers. 
Meridian, ARC or Cary?
In my opinion theres no question the ARC is the one. 
improving digital amp sound
I have a Audio Research 300.2 mated with a LS26 and find this a great combination.The ARC pre is anything but tubey,but it has excellent presence. 
Advice on tube amp/pre
You should be able to get a good used pair of snappers for under$3000. There's a stong market for them so you can try them and sell them if your not happy.Greg