
Responses from edesilva

coax vs rca for older cd's
Your terminology is somewhat confusing. Coax meaning digital PCM? RCA interconnects meaning analog? If that is the case, I would guess that you probably would do better with a digital connection, because it seems DAC technology has made some leaps... 
broadcast quality pictures...???...
BNC is just a connector--generally for pro use, but used on some consumer gear (see, e.g., Theta). I think you are talking about RGB HV--the HV just stands for Horizontal and Vertical sync--generally requires 5 cables/connectors. Perhaps marginall... 
what is the best way to add remote control
X-10 is a power line carrier home automation system. You can get an RF remote that interacts with a radio box that plugs into an outlet to "send" commands to addressable outlets. You need to replace the outlets--probably need 20A heavy duty outlet... 
what is the best way to add remote control
I take it there is no 12V trigger input? You could always build an outlet box with a 12V relay that could be driven off a preamp or something. Another alternative, although more costly, is what I have done--use a PS Audio Power Director, which is ... 
volume setting for ipod mini hooked to integrated
Er, which sounds better to you? 
new gear vs used gear
Wow, lets see...- 4 pr spkrs, 2 from dealers, 1 review pair from the importer, and 1 (the main rig pair) from A'gon- 4 sets of speaker cables, all but 1 from A'gon- 6 amps, 1 from a dealer, 5 from A'gon- 3 pre-amps/pre-pros, 2 from dealers, 1 from... 
Stereolink rules
I gave away my stereolink and picked up a sub-$100 Edirol UA-1D, a USB dongle with a coax s/pdif output. Sound is much better than with the stereolink. I keep thinking about some of the higher end digital output cards, but this works well, its bul... 
Ham Radio Interference from next door neighboor
Make sure he takes his antenna w/him when he goes... You don't want your new neighbor to pick up the hobby due to the convenience of an antenna already in situ. I used to live close to the DC beltway and occasionally picked up tranmissions from tr... 
Refinish speaker in different color
Er, I wouldn't exactly try this on my ProAcs, however. Might do it on the Monitor Audio B2s used as surrounds, however. YMMV. 
Refinish speaker in different color
I like the idea of reveneering over the old veneer. While there are pure veneers to work with (ick), I tend to favor the pre-glued veneers--either PSA (pressure sensitive) or iron-ons. I realize it doesn't sound as secure as using hide glue and a ... 
help me pick a phono preamp.
Hey Todd, ignore my former posts. Heck, ignore all of the other posts. I'll give you a great price on a slightly used Grado PH-1--well matched to your cartridge, and they have such informative customer service. Please enjoy. ;) 
help me pick a phono preamp.
Well, I did as Rushton suggested and emailed Grado Labs. Their response to the fact that the gain on the phono in through the Statement Sonata/PH1 is disproportionately low compared to any other input was "That is normal with this cartridge. Pleas... 
Kimber select can you biwire with this cable?
Sure. You can biwire with any wire. You just need twice as much of it. To biwire w/o bi-amping, just connect both sets of wires to the amp output and run the two sets to the two different speaker inputs. 
I'm buying a plasma TV. Can I use my speakers?
You are better off connecting the line outs to your pre. Even if your plasma had speaker level outputs (i.e., you use the amps inside the plasma), there are some issues with connecting two sets of amps to the same speaker. 
Can anyone rec a sound card with optical output ?
Just get an MAudio Sonica. Heck, you want one, email me. I'll ship you the one I have for $20. Its a USB Audio device that has an connection for a toslink out. The software is a bit buggy on my XP box (system sounds don't always play). Once in a h...