
Responses from edcyn

1st SACD Purchase
Junior Brown's Down Home Chrome on Telarc is a must try.  Also try any of the old RCA Living Stereo reissues.  Try Morton Gould's music for Brass & Percussion, or Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra conducted by Fritz Reiner.  If you can tolerate ... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
I blame this entire verkochte thread on the Corona Virus.  Put your mask on!  Poke your head out a window! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I just reached into my vinyl collection and dragged out a British EMI Eminence reissue of the Beet's Eroica Symphony played by the London Symphony Orchestra under Eugen Jochum.   The performance is uniformly loud and in-your-face.  Good imaging bu... 
Newbie considering 3 streaming DAC/Servers
I enjoy my Mytek Brooklyn Bridge to the point where it’s essentially taken me off the Upgrade Merry Go Round. The streaming I get from Qobuz and Primephonic (via an Ethernet Cat 7) gives me the cleanest, loveliest fidelity I’ve ever gotten from a ... 
How to add depth for classical music
eric -- yeah, but think of all the fun I would've missed playing Boy Scientist. 
What is it what we hear when we swap cables?
How to add depth for classical music
I’ve managed to get the best imaging and depth I’ve ever gotten from a stereo system...in a room utterly devoid of any specific room treatments, and in a room with its share of supposed issues. What I did was do the best I could to place the speak... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
Yes.  Yeah, it certainly helps if you've got a fat wallet, but audiophilia is ultimately one more  search for what your ears tell you is the truth. 
Qobuz or Tidal?
They're essentially neck and neck.  I choose Qobuz because I like the warmer frequency balance and its pretty good selection of classical music but your mileage may vary.  Try 'em both.  Putting it another way, I'm glad Qobuz exists, but if it did... 
Go Buy Some Music You Deadbeat Streamers!
Sorry to report, streaming is now essentially the only way I seek out new material.  Whatever tiny royalty the players or composers now get from my streams will have to do.  At least it's something.  You got to remember, too, that buying used viny... 
Why no Virtual System pics??
I posted a picture of my system but I haven't the faintest idea how to access the photo or create a link to it.  It's edcyn's system, btw. 
Best fan for cooling your music room
I live in a tropical climate with only ceiling fans.  They're one meter in diameter.  I have them in several rooms.  They are utterly silent.  They are much quieter than any air conditioner I've lived with over my lifetime...including the various ... 
Qobuz vs Tidal
I pitted Qobuz and Tidal to a lengthy side-by-side audition and wound up choosing Qobuz, this despite the fact I've got full MQA capability.  As excellent as the sound from Tidal may be, Qobuz has a slightly warmer, more lifelike tonal balance and... 
Strange Rivers
deadhead -- thanks for bridging a chasm that now stretches back over forty(!) years.  I gotta say, too, that though I was never a certified Dead fan like my rock-and-roll friends, I went to several Dead concerts.  And yes my mind expanded when the... 
Are CD players goig the way of the 8 track,and the cassette?
Right now I'm totally enjoying an EMI CD of the Puccini opera La Rondine.  Beautiful tone. Clear and distortion free -- issues that can be iffy in opera recordings, especially on vinyl.  Fine if not quite world class imaging. I fished the multi-CD...