
Responses from edcyn

What kind of listener are you?
fusian -- Thanks for the article.  And yeah, it seems that dude knew what he was talking about.... 
I Think I Am Becoming An Audiophile
artemus -- excellent! 
Strange Rivers
Listening to it now.  I thought I was the world's biggest John Stewart fan (I've seen him live several times) but I never heard this one.  Xlnt. 
stand-mount speakers for classical music
I haven't gone stereo auditioning lately, but I have to say I still love my Nola Boxers.  I have no idea what version they are, but I've had them for several years.  I run them through a Primaluna Integrated and no matter what the source may be, I... 
What the heck do these terms mean?
How is it that quality science fiction or historical fiction is able to magically come alive, this despite a more than decent chance the writer wasn't on the scene, vid-cam or notepad in hand to accurately crunch the details?  Why are aesthetics s... 
Love the gear (or listening to it) as much or more than the music? Sacrilege!
My Primaluna integrated looks like I stole it from a 1950's doctor's office.  My Sony SACD player is the veritable epitome of the anonymous, rectangular electronics box.  My NOLA speakers are gorgeously finished but they still look as if I purchas... 
Do we ask too much of our audio systems?
A skilled, hands-off audio recreation of an actual event is indeed nirvana.  But you can also find nirvana  in recordings rendered by skilled knob-twisters working with inspired musicians & composers guided by visionary, golden-eared producers... 
Are the Stereophile setup CD’s any good?
Oh yeah, my favorite test record by far is one my dad got in the Mid Fifties. In it a genial, wonderfully voiced BBC style narrator takes us to a tap-dancing rehearsal and a "Grand Prix motor race." 
Are the Stereophile setup CD’s any good?
Every once in a while I crank out one of my test records/cd's.  And yes, more often not I make a tiny adjustment to my system -- either a slight toe-in or speaker-width adjustment or a minor twist of the dial on my sub-woofer.  In any case, my Ste... 
I Think I Am Becoming An Audiophile
I dunno Eric.  If the newbie were a metal head or a progressive rocker, I actually would start them off with something noisy, aggressive and probably Russian, like Pictures at an Exhibition, Petrushka  or the Overture to Ruslan and Ludmilla.  If t... 
I Think I Am Becoming An Audiophile
artemus_5 --If there's a Carmen in the collection (composer Georges Bizet), pull it out and begin on side one.  Carmen is the opera that launched my love for the genre.  Great tunes...and not just the ones you might be familiar with.  High Emotion... 
What kind of listener are you?
Once upon a time in my distant bell-bottomed past, I actually got on the Rate A Record segment of the Dick Clark show. Before me and my two fellow record raters went on, either Dick Clark himself or an underling told us to try and do more than sim... 
Love the gear (or listening to it) as much or more than the music? Sacrilege!
Yeah, you gotta be free to do what pushes your buttons, but I'd go nuts if the only thing I cared about in audio was physical fidelity.  As seductive as sound itself may be, music is at a whole 'nother level of pleasure. 
Wow an old album that rocked your world
I got my share of Mercury Living Presence and RCA Living Stereo LPs, as well. Ella on Verve, too. Again, my dad is to blame...except for the Ella, which my mother bought. And a handful of recently purchased RCA SACDs to fill out the collection.Ano... 
What kind of listener are you?
I don't judge components or systems on a Musical or Analytic scale.  To me, it's simply a question of what sounds more real.  In other words, everything matters.