
Responses from edcyn

Beware poor sounding media
Fidelity is always wonderful and always preferred, but if the artist or producer thinks otherwise I try to roll with it.  
Streaming vs Physical Media
There's a good share of disagreement on this subject. I continue to often get my best fidelity via Qobuz,  even better than what I get from SACD, CD or LP. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a shot.  
What is this term 'analytical' ?
The sound that comes from my equipment can be lovely and emotionally absorbing but it is rarely truly convincing. I'd give my modest rig about a 6.  
What is this term 'analytical' ?
mijostyn -- How 'bout we start using a new term -- convincing. Does the sound fool you into momentarily believing there's no longer an electro-mechanical intermediary between you and the music? Does the sound you hear viscerally bring you closer t... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
I listened to and loved Springsteen for a good long time. The two Springsteen concerts I went to are still among my handful of favorites. I'd grab my guitar and bellow out his songs.  But yeah, he eventually got a little long in the tooth. Not th... 
Best progressive rock album side
Yeah, I'm stretching genre boundaries a bit but how 'bout Side One of Bowie's Aladdin Sane? The side boils with invention, energy and 'tude.     
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
I'm truly lovin' this thread. Don't be shy, ladies & gents. Proudly proclaim your preferences! And diss the ones you don't dig!  
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@DeKay -- Wow!! Maybe the most unintentionally hilarious album cover I've ever seen.  
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
This thread has forced me to dig into my past, as anything I did not like has pretty much disappeared from both my record/cd shelves and my memory. But yeah, anything from "ain't  I cool" hippie bands and acts really tested my patience.  "Crosby, ... 
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
No problem integrating  my modest Paradigm sub-woofer into my system. I put it in spot in the room that the instructions suggested would  be good. I followed the instructions as to how to connect it up. I put one of my stereo test CDs (I have one,... 
RCA Living Stereo
I find that  the DG Archiv Productions are often wonderful. Try a recording by the Musica Antiqua Koln, headed up by Reinhard Goebel. . Compositions from underappreciated composers played with passion and verve. Excellent sound quality,too. I actu... 
RCA Living Stereo
I've certainly mentioned this a few times, but my dad was a high-fi enthusiast from the veritable birth of the hobby. He built a tubed hi-fi mono set-up on the kitchen table, complete with AM tuner.. When stereo was introduced he was one of the fi... 
Sony SACD Player SCD-XA5400ES; YAY or NAY?
Right now I'm enjoying the heck out of a DG CD of a Mozart's Requiem I just fished out of my collection. DG, Herbie the K at the controls. A bit hashy when everyone is yelling and screaming, but considering its curriculum vitae, it's sounding migh... 
How best to eliminate LP warps
All the vicissitudes that plague the LP are part of the reason I'm just not as fanatical about the format as I used to be. It doesn't hurt that Hi-Def (and even CD quality) streaming can sound really, truly good through my system as it is currentl... 
SACD repair?
My late, unlamented Marantz CD/SACD player went belly-up several years ago and,  the way I remember it, Marantz or the dealer seemed unwilling to do the repair. I can't recall what the problem was.  Did it  refuse to load an SACD?  Or did it just ...