
Responses from edcyn

We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio?
Your comparison between audio and automobiles is a fun one. Both are sophisticated manufactured devices. Be it mental or physical, both take you on journeys. Both can demand a pretty penny. And yeah, over-indulgence in either passion can lead to d... 
My take on subjective vs. objective
mijostyn -- I done been found out... Drat.  
My take on subjective vs. objective
Observe your subjectivity objectively.  
My take on subjective vs. objective
As cd318 sez...  
Any favorites for cosmetics/design/how a product looks?
To my eyes, the looks of hi-fi/stereo componentry has been undistinguished since day one. For me, the only components that come close to being interesting-looking are tonearms.  
Are you discovering new music?
This elderly dude constantly queues up new/unfamiliar music & artists to audition and perhaps even enjoy.  A tip of the hat to the 21st Century.  
Did you notice....
It's not always true, of course, but on average I continue to get my best fidelity via Qobuz. Sure, my Sony CD/SACD player sometimes outperforms it and so does my SOTA/Alphason/Hana rig. But all three are pleasing as hell for me. At this point in ... 
My take on subjective vs. objective
Don't get me started on food and drink. Go to Paris. Go to Naples. Go to Hong Kong. Go to New Orleans. Just for starters, why is the stuff my wife cooks (she's the cyn in edcyn) so much better than the stuff I attempt?  
Audio people you've had contact with that proved to be good people.
Gene Rubin    
Audiophile Jargon Demonstrated
Gray -- restricted in tone color and dynamics. High frequencies rolled off to the point where they might as well not exist. In other words, what you hear from AM radio...minus the static, of course...  
I am no longer getting MQA?
2psyop -- I totally understand where you're coming from regarding the, er, difficult choices we must face regarding streaming. For me, though, it was no problem. It was almost comedic how quickly they cut me off when, after I negatively responded ... 
How did 70s rock music transition into 80s music?
In the late Seventies and early Eighties, I did my best to find and listen to any band that didn't have hair down to their feet and that played endless blues solos. Short hair became as rebellious as long hair was just a few years before, and I tr... 
A perfect song? What are your choices?
Michelle by the Beatles Cracked Actor by David Bowie  
How did 70s rock music transition into 80s music?
@simonmoon -- Hey, I was a regular at Moby's. Excellent selection and interesting stuff played on the store's hi-fi. I may be imagining things, too, but do I remember a very interesting if small selection of classical?  
What are some of the mistakes, failures or bad purchases of your audio history?
I've had my share of recalcitrant gear over the years, but I'll just talk about the stuff that's happened lately. My Mytek Brooklyn Bridge streamer/DAC sounded great and even had a very good phono input, but it went belly-up maybe two days after t...