

Responses from driver

XLR to SE RCA interconnect - HELP please
Serus-why do you suggest this? Please explain why. I've been doing this for yrs with good results. Pro audio companies make their cables like this, as do some home audio cable companies, especially if there's a shield involved. 
XLR to SE RCA interconnect - HELP please
The standard designation is pin 1 to the shell of the RCA and pin 2 to the center tip of the RCA. Leave pin 3 open on digital based gear (your CDP).On amplifier based gear, use a tiny piece of the same wire as your IC across pins 1 & 3. If you... 
Most expensive Audio disapoinment?
The Lirpa Steam-powered TT was the biggest, most expensive piece of audio gear I almost had. You see, I made a deal for one of these & actually had it delivered in two 45' trailers while I had a 40' x 28' outbuilding constructed at the back of... 
Need advice on 2 Amplifiers
I sold the big Ayre a year ago this month & the V-5x in Sept '04, so my comments are more trying to remember than recalling my latest listening session.The V-5x & V-1x were similar but not identical and I can only guess this is due to the ... 
Need advice on 2 Amplifiers
I don't think you can make a bad choice w/either of these amps. Had the V-5x but not e, but also had the V-1xe. Currently have the VK-200, so not the same as 250.I thoroughly enjoyed the Ayre lineup but wanted to try BAT, as they were always on my... 
Selling to someone in another country
I mostly list my items US only but when asked to ship elsewhere, I usually say OK. I've had a few overseas transactions that went just fine and most of the problems I've had were shipping to Canada. I've found out using USPS to Canada is the least... 
Long distance from amp to speakers
As long as it doesn't introduce noise, you shouldn't be able to tell the difference. Years ago I had a 40' run of AQ Crystal in a bi-wire configuration & had the cable cut down to smaller sections when I was able to reposition the gear. I didn... 
"What's Your Best Price?"
In the last 8 weeks I've sold 9 items & have answered a lot of emails, as you might imagine. The most common one is "what's your best price", to which I reply with what my best price is, 'cause sometimes these are the folks that wind up making... 
Who makes custom sized BB & granite slabs?
I had the same spkrs for almost 4 yrs. & wound up powering them with Ayre V-1xe. They sound as good as what you run thru them.I also used 7 Herbie's Footers under ea. module: 4 under the heavy side, 1 in the middle & 2 on the other side. T... 
Who makes custom sized BB & granite slabs?
You might be able to find something at Grizzly Industrial. 
Why Tube Pre-SS amp over SS Pre- Tube amp?
For me it was experimenting w/gear back in the 80's when I came across the big SS amp/tube pre combo & it always was a good matchup. Over the yrs. I've discovered that a well implemented design, be it SS or tube, will give you the sound you de... 
Can I ever stand to listen to our system again
So sorry to hear of your loss Karelfd. 
Has your gear ever hurt you???
As long as I'm able to pick up a (sledge) hammer, the gear will live in fear & behave. I once beat a receiver to death & word has gotten around. Never had a problem, although the receiver I mentioned jumped off a nice wooden cabinet & ... 
Do audiophiles have a high divorce rate?
Wow Brad, you musta married young (you don't look that old!).My wife & I are going on 20 yrs-the first for ea. of us, although we've been together for ~26 yrs. 
Personal amp evolution
I sold the big Ayre earlier this year & wound up with a BAT VK-200 after trying a handful of amps, including tube monoblocks (which were very nice!). I actually sold my entire system and it wasn't because I was unhappy with the sound. The VK-2...