

Responses from driver

Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
2nd word of your post-routine. Listening to music has become routine? Sounds almost obligatory to listen-I don't know, just guessing. I would suggest listening when you want to. Maybe a headphone rig would the bill? 
Personal amp evolution
This will make the third time I've posted to this thread and each time about a 2 year interval. Again, I've sold off the entire system and now have a Blue Circle integrated. I just wasn't listening that much lately but when I do, still want a good... 
Which solid state amp for Von Schweikert VR-4.5?
Bryston 4BST, Odyssey Stratos and the Pass. 
A/V power conditioner under $200
Not a conditioner but a real surge protector. I'm running two and have some audio buds that run them too.Click here 
Add a subwoofer to Von Schweikert 4Srs?
I hear ya on the live thing. In fact, I do some pro audio sound reinforcement part-time & was just at band practice this evening. Yep, nothing quite like having the whole auditorium (mostly) to myself. Then again, not many home systems can com... 
Add a subwoofer to Von Schweikert 4Srs?
I had an earlier version of these, the VR4 GenIII's and they did not need a sub. I was running a very good amp w/them-an Ayre V-1xe, so maybe you're lacking something w/the amp? 
about to jump into the power cord foray
Blindjim-That was a well thought out & written reply that was quite enjoyable to read. 
Directional interconnect cables
From reading the responses, it seems like the biggest question has to do with the direction between the amp & pre, so letÂ’s take a look at a balanced cable orientation. Even w/o arrows, an XLR cable is oriented female > male, which indicate... 
Soldering Cardas interconnect cables
If I were you and ever wanted to have the chance to resell these cables, I would send them back to Cardas & have them do the work. If you don't have the certification, they can take care of that at the same time. 
Adcom GFA 555 amp upgrades
The old 555 is a decent amp but I wouldn't do a factory upgrade, as you'd be better off selling what you have & buying the different version. If you really, really want to hang on to this amp & price isn't your main concern, you can get so... 
Warm copper speaker cables under $500 new
I am going to suggest Cardas Cross, although you'll have to buy them used for your price point.I will simply say this-let your ears make the decision & don't let anybody influence that. 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
Sometimes I read these older posts I've made and they just make me laugh. I've changed my entire system since the last time I posted, which was over 3 yrs. ago.I guess as long as there's gear out there to try, I'll keep trying it. For me, that's p... 
16K to Spend. Help me make the end all Upgrade.
My friend also has the Pass 350 w/his 10T's. A First Sound pre and Meridian CDP, along w/a 60" TV & Rotel DVD rounds out this system.I've also heard 10T's w/Pass monoblocks & the bass, along w/the rest of the spkr, is a pretty good mix. Yo... 
16K to Spend. Help me make the end all Upgrade.
My very good friend here in town has 10T's, so I'm quite familiar w/them. He's talked about upgrading & my recommendation to him is Montana. This is a speaker I've heard & really liked. 
Downgrading... Is it possible??? Suggestions
I take it you have the VR's w/JC1's? I had VR4GenIII's w/ Ayre V-1xe & Atma-sphere pre & sold everything 2.5 yrs. ago. I now run BAT amp w/Pass Aleph P, along w/some homemade spkrs & inexpensive sub. Doesn't have the same bass as big V...