

Responses from driver

Just how big is that driver?
The sub I have is sold as 12", which is the size of the mounting hole, so the size of the driver is a bit smaller.I'm 5'10" but think I'm taller! 
really inexpensive power cords
Cables, like gear itself, is system dependent and more importantly, something that you need to decide upon for yourself. As for your initial query on those specific PC's, please don't read anything into what wasn't said. Most people aren't going t... 
really inexpensive power cords
Why do you want to upgrade the PC's in your second system?Do you listen critically or just for background music? If for background, buy some music instead. If you're going to do some critical listening, start w/some DIY, using Chris VH or Bob Crum... 
Buying used vs. New
My preference is to buy used w/the caveat I can send it to the factory here in the states if it ever needs service. I used to travel a lot more to pick up/deliver gear but w/time constraints & now the price of gas, I do most of my biz w/shippi... 
Difference w/ Ayre Amps
For double the price you don't get double the improvement, but when you get to this price range & above, it's all about diminishing returns. The main things the 1 will give you over the 5 is more authoritative bass & better mid resolution.... 
How LONG have you been an AUDIOGONER'?
I've really curtailed my forum participation here for a variety of reasons but still pretty active buying & selling. Like so many others, I lurked here for awhile before I signed on back in 2000. 
Which Piece Least Needs A Power Cord Upgrade?
You need to listen & make that decision for yourself. Just because a cord or cable is beefier, etc, doesn't mean its better. The same cord can sound different on the other pieces in your system.I would also suggest running straight to the wall... 
'they blew'em off the stage'
Saw Beth Hart a few yrs ago at an outdoor concert in front of The Pretenders. The Pretenders weren't bad but Beth Hart was fantastic! 
Pass Labs Power Cord
A good audio bud here in town has the 350 running into 10T's w/First Sound pre. Tried my DIY, then Cardas and is now using Gutwire throughout the system. It sounds very good, running through Brickwall surge protectors. 
Choice on a $3,000 to $5,000 SS amp
Ayre V-5xe or Ayre V-1xe; any of the big Pass amps.There are a set of BAT VK-1000 monoblocks for sale now-I'd think about those, in addition to the VK-220 & VK-250.Owned both Ayre pieces, currently have the VK-200, which is in the same family ... 
What would you upgrade next ??
Agree w/room treatments. Also, dedicated lines w/upgraded outlets. Isolation devices too. 
How to deal with worn-out threads on binding post?
Couple of suggestions: Put some flat washers on first to move the tightening area further back, if there's room. Perhaps the threads are in better condition. Try a nylock nut.A piece of small diameter solder through the nut before you thread it on... 
Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K?
BAT VK200 is balanced in only.B&K might be the answer for even less $$$. 
Need Speakers at least 4 feet high
Although I don't need to clear 4', I had to clear the 26" arm of the sofa & did this w/a driver that starts 31" from the floor. Any part of the driver that is below your 4' height will compromise the sound. The spkr sits only 14" from the sofa... 
All about the bass
I concur w/Maich and also w/Tafka Steve. Room does play a very important part.For amps, I would go w/Ayre V-5xe. It's still a sleeper.