

Responses from driver

Recommend amp to drive Totem Winds?
I heard them at the CES with Ayre V-5xe & they sounded just fine, although I'm not a big fan of metal tweets. Bass was great, btw. 
Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock
If you're looking for a temp system that you can set up just for the party, how about something like a powered Mackie spkr?If something more like a standard type system, I like the sound of EAW spkrs and Emilar horns. For power you can use a stack... 
Do Audiophiles really like music?
I like the gear but the music takes priority, as I just sold most of my system. One of the reasons is I didn't think I was getting the value for what I paid for the system. By value I mean I had more money invested in the system than anything else... 
Are your kids into audio?
I think it's a burgeoning process and with my boy, I started when he was <1, playing music while I took care of him during the day. He has a modest system I put together for him but he uses his XPS for the source.Maybe music at an early age doe... 
Speaker and amp balance question?????
Since it always is on the right channel, I would suspect the amp. If you disconnect the preamp (leaving the spkrs hooked to the amp), that will eliminate anything upstream from the equation.You can also check your AC, as it can influence the noise... 
how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?
Nope, it's not about the money. Really. It's about the meds you have to take to apply for admission. Of course, the more money you have the better meds you can get.Relax, it's just a state of mind. Don't worry, be happy. 
Speaker and amp balance question?????
I have to ask what type of signal were you listening to and was this in a mono or stereo mode? A test tone in mono should be accurate in determining if there is an imbalance.I would also do the standard drill-clean & check connections & ma... 
Who is a big high end cable manufacturer
Exactly where did I say I support high cable prices?And how do you know so much about the drug world? You keep referring to that subject line. 
Who is a big high end cable manufacturer
Mapleleaf-I find it interesting that you refer to drug dealers when this is a hobby about audio. Is there some hidden agenda here? 
Who is a big high end cable manufacturer
Mapleleaf, it's difficult to reply to a comment like yours that groups cable manufacturers below drug dealers. Way out of line. 
Stupid Question-What's the best way to choose?
Since you just ordered some new equipment, once you get it set up & run in, start doing some listening & see if you like what you hear. The key here is when you discover something you want to change to only make one change at a time, other... 
Starting From Scratch - What would you do?
I'd pick the MF combo (A5 int & A5 CDP) over the DK, as I've auditioned both in home. I've heard Totems but not SF and although I wouldn't mind owning the Totems, I prefer larger boxes. I've also heard the Ayre int & CDP (7 series), which ... 
Any member feedback from C.E.S. 2006?
Hey Narrod,Those were watercooled? I thought it was just an accessory aquarium. Figured the designer wanted the listener to gaze at something during the audition to distract from the $$$. At least that's what I was doing.I didn't have a serious li... 
Dedicated power,long power cords - waste of time?
If you're going to run dedicated lines into the room that will still require 20' PC's from the outlets, how about extending the dedicated lines on the inside of your room instead of bringing it in from the outside, etc? There is hollowed out mould... 
The best audiophile "gag" gift for X-Mas
I'm not a scientist but I know a few & I don't mean a friend of a friend. One of these guys is a rocket scientist (works on missile trajectories), another the head of an infectious disease facility and another works w/altering plant DNA. Suffi...