

Responses from driver

Budget Subwoofer?
Tube Audio DesignParts ExpressThese are but two examples-you'll need to do some homework. 
How make my Ayre system "warmer"?
I'd say no to the C-7xe, as you'll just be getting more of what you want to get away from, as I've had (heard) it in 3 different systems. Also owned the V-5x, V-1xe & the V-3. I would say move to a tube pre-amp or tube CDP, such as BAT or some... 
OPINIONS: solid state amps under $2000
Blue Circle CS. You can get it new well under your budget. Don't let the low price make you think it's not worthy. 
To use a line conditioner/surge protector or not??
Strictly as a surge protector I'm using 2 Brickwalls that run to separate dedicated lines. I can't tell any difference between before/after & neither can a few friends of mine who use them in their system.There are more brands available & ... 
IEC Adapter
Try this 
Power Cord...16 ft
Why are you two conducting yourselves in this manner? All the OP wants is some info on a power cord. If you feel the need to continue, take it off-line. 
Power Cord...16 ft
I too would suggest a DIY. You can get some bulk Carol cable 12/3 at Home Depot and pick up some Hubbell ends at your local electrical supply house. I would also suggest getting a circuit tester & IEC to AC adapter.The adapter is called IEC C1... 
Life without a remote
At one point I had remotes for the amp, pre, CDP, curtains, fan & lights, so I could control almost every aspect of the listening sessions. I gained over 300 lbs. Now there are no remotes & simply turn on the system loud enough so I can he... 
RCA to XLR adaptor for Ayre, is it worth it?
Steve, you mentioned V-3xe. I was under the impression the V-3 was the only designated model number, regardless of upgrades. At least the two units I had were represented as such.I'd be interested in knowing what constitutes the xe from the V-3. 
RCA to XLR adaptor for Ayre, is it worth it?
Using an adapter will not give you balanced operation. You need a balanced component to connect w/the V-3 (via XLR) to achieve a truly balanced mode. Also, just because there is an XLR jack, that doesn't mean the piece is balanced. The Ayre is, so... 
TAD subwoofer -- how does it compare?
Don't know about other subs but for $129, how can you go wrong? 
Need some advice on buying a c-d player
I suggest start reading through the archives for a unit in your price range. There are many good players to be had. You can also scroll through all the offerings in the ads & start googling ones that meet your criteria.I wouldn't hesitate to b... 
Invalid zip codes in classifieds..
Sometimes the zip doesn't get you the info through agon. Try this USPS zip code finder service or this zip code finder service 
silver IC's placement
You answered your own question with, "i will try both locations".My suggestion would be to try in ea. position for a few weeks & get used to the sound before you switch. I looked at the pic of your system & didn't see or notice any mention... 
sweetest sounding ss integrated
I've had a few int's over the years & in fact just downsized from a BAT amp & Pass pre a month ago to a Blue Circle CS. By far the best & most musical int. I've owned. I recently listened to the new Cayin hybrid & auditioned the MF...