
Responses from dmk_calgary

Cartridge Force - Is a Little 'Over-Force' Okay?
IMHO a bit too high. If the recommendation is 2gm, you will be 35% over the max. I would personally be happier with 5-10%. I run mine at .1gm over recommended. Its a Sumiko Blackbird and it got rid of guitar distortion on one track on one album - ... 
Most Realistic Recordings
- anything you can find on the Umbrella label - they did a couple of excellent big band direct to disc recordings with Rob McConnell and the Boss Brass - Miles Davis box set of "The Great Prestige Recordings" - 45 rpm, remastered by Stan Ricker ... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
I upgraded my input tubes on the phone and amp. The phono got a NOS Telefunken 12AX7 and the amp got 2 x 6922 NOS Siemens. Huge increase in soundstage and much more air around each instrument. Highs are crisp and clear, not sibilant. YMMV of course. 
REMINDER: tighten up your loose screws
my wife says I need to do that..... :-) 
Tube based phono stage
try - they make an excellent tube phone stage - for both HO and LO cartridges. Even Made in the USA in IL.... Great quality and support and service. 
amplifier with volume control
check out - they make tube amps with volume controls and also a pre-amp. Made in the USA too. 
Which Tube Phono Pre Amo?
If you want Dead Quiet, the ZP3 is dead quiet. I have had it with both my amps and it is quiet. I found that it is sensitive to the tubes. In an earlier post I mentioned a NOS 12AX7 I installed in V1. The new tube is quiet with zero hum. I noticed... 
Which Tube Phono Pre Amo?
Love my ZP3. Also have had his small 2W SE84 and currently own his Torii Jr., driving his 8" open baffle design. ZP3 is pt to pt, very clean design. Excellent sound. Am using a VPI Prime with Sumiko Blackbird. I also listen to lots of blues with s... 
Does Steely Dan sound bright to you?
No. I have a MoFi copy of Aja that Ricker mastered - its got his SR/2 on the inner grooves - in any case, one of my fav albums for both sound and the music.  Gaucho is another one of my favs - its a 1/2 speed master by Bob Ludwig. I love both for ... 
Phono stage question
+1 on the Decware Phono preamp - I have one and LOVE IT.  
Thinking of trying "vintage" sound just for fun
I havd a Fisher 5000C also. Sold it and sorry I did. It was a very nice piece of equipment. 
Best type of metal for turntable platform?
I would do some homework on damping properties of different materials. There is a name for it, which I forget. You can use two different materials with a damping material in between. Or look at the plinth of the VPI Prime Signature - looks like it... 
How old are you?
66 and happily retired. Started out with Connisseur BD2 TT, EPI 100's and HK930 receiver. Now using tubes from Decware and VPI Prime.  
The Great Cartridge Shootout
great story. Thank you for sharing. Dunno if I would have had that much patience. But as you say, lockdown is on, so what the heck. I am listening to way more music now - all vinyl on my VPI prime and tubes from Decware.  
What do/did you do for a living?
65 retired sales - sold IT consulting for many names most would recognize. Happy to be retired. System is about 10k - all tubes - Covid has given me a good excuse to be in my ManCave and listen to all my LP's.  I have a new amp on order - should b...