
Responses from dirtyragamuffin

Record cleaning machine advise, want to buy,"HELP"
I have a VPI 16.5 and like it. Good cleaner, very sturdy and stable. I agree, it's nice to have a solid platter under the record should any good scrubbing be needed--and the motor is torquey (sp?) enough to take it, too. It is noisy, unfortunately... 
Rega P3 Cartridge Selection
I have not used the Clearaudio Aurum Classic or Alpha but have used both the Aurum Beta and BetaS--the Beta on a Linn Basik and an Origin Live Silver mk2 and the BetaS on the Silver. They are great carts for the money, very clean, fairly neutral, ... 
Sound is too thin. What to upgrade, add or remove?
I agree, it looks like some room treatments would benefit you, as without them you are not hearing your rig's full potential. With parallel surfaces you have issues with phase cancellations and standing waves; corners are breeding grounds for bass... 
Current Trends In Home Audio
Hi, you'll have to forgive me as I haven't the time today to read through this whole thread...but I'd like to throw in my two cents in response to remarks about about the lack of mainstream interest in our hobby and add my thoughts on the apparent... 
Got any of your dream system yet?
If I suddenly had the money? I'd give the preamp a shot at staying in the new system and see how it stacks up. I think the Gyro would stay but I'd upgrade the motor, PSU, arm, cart, and might try out the "unsprung" mod because I would opt for some... 
Where do I go from here, keep it clean
Nrchy, that looks like a gorgeous system!>"The room has been moderately treated with a number of things to prevent unwanted reflections, but could still be better."<I have a bunch of MiniTrap bass absorbers by RealTraps, http://www.realtraps... 
No posting from me for awhile
WOW, sounds great, no pun intended!Safe travels-Dirty 
Maximum VISUAL bang for the buck?
Absolutely, you guys beat me to it--I may be biased, but the Gyro SE is just a stunning looking TT, You can often find a used, current model with DC motor for 1200 with a Rega arm. They sound wonderful!Also, the Michell Tecnodec has kind of and el... 
AR Turntable ToneArm
Tinman, my '84 AR had a Linn Basik LVX.It would be worth getting a new armbarod drilled for something like a Rega, I agree. 
Cry me a river
OK, I'm man enough to admit it--Tori Amos, Silent All These Years...and NOT due to the subject of the song, which is what would draw a tear from most folks. For me, it's the bridge--the way she goes into the bridge, it's just a sudden emotional sw... 
Tell us compliments received on your system...
Well, my little newbie system pales in comparison to many of yours, but...most of my friends are in their 20's, the CD/mp3 generation and have never heard high end components, much less any vinyl not spun on a platic $30 turntable and not scratche... 
Rega P25 question
Grados can work well on Rega arms, however...I have not used the P25 myself but have heard complaints that certain Grados will sometimes hum on Rega TTs, as can sometimes be the case with ARs and VPI HWs...maybe someone with direct experince can e... 
Wisconsin - Anyone interested?
Hey, fellow Wisconsinites-Just happened by this thread to see what was shaking in WI this fall. Unfortunately, I was out of town in June and missed Nrchy's email. Anyway, I'm fairly new to audiophilia and haven't gotten to hear many different syst... 
Headphone replacement cables?
Piano, last December one side of my ebay-purchased Grado SR225s went out. I brought them to a Grado dealer and they sent them out. Even over the Christmas holiday, they were back in about a week with part of the cord replaced and good as new. it c... 
What readily available LP's should I consider
I think the latest 180g virgin 30th anniversary Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" pressing sounds great, if that's your thing. I also have an 70's era "plain jane" pressing that collects dust now. Someone mentioned the 4 LP Echoes set. I borrowed...