
Responses from detlof

Moving coil cartridge (AT OC-9) and Hum
Hum is practically normal with MC cartridges, if you don't try to ground the TT, TA, preamp combination. It takes some experimenting. In your otherwise very thorough description, you did not mention your grounding scheme, so I thought I'd give my ... 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Beemer, I learnt it from the inimitable Sedond here at Audiogon, seems to be an Americanism for a BMW. So you were not far from the mark, Greg. That three wheeler was called "Isetta", if I remember correctly.Regards, 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Greg, a true 12 cylinder ? What's the mileage?... and no I don't have any Mercs, I just don't like them. I prefer the Beemers. 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
How right you are and those battles before between Auto Union and I would love to own a Horch! 
new to tubes, match for spectral amp
Hello J, we've exchanged thoughts before....I use both the gear you have and tube stuff in my rather complex system. As was said above, you should not mix your kind of Spectral gear with tubes. It will sound just plain awful. The advice given abov... 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Stereo, as fast as I can say Bernd Rosemeier!!!Greg, I'm on my way, prepare for the break of the century! 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Greg, we have to get ypou out of that fix. shall I come over with my Siemens? You could tell the o-fuhrer that I am a salesman for a new light weight communications system straight out of the Swiss silicon valley. It can even imitate cowbells and ... 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Mhubbard, so glad you ain't Ron. That one did not have any sense of humour at all.....Slawney congrats on your splendid definition of poor old salivating Salvo...its a true gem, wished I had thought of it, but then you know how busy I was. So it w... 
Record-playing Rituals?
Albert, thankyou for your excellent reasoning and your extraordinary experience, which you so openly share with us. Much food for thought indeed! Yes, I'll keep on experimenting and will post it here in due course.Warm regards to all! 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Hey, sorry Ka, seems the boys don't come out to play anymore...though I did like the way you spun out the story. In the meantime, I'm having fun beating the shi...ahem....excrements out of the Porsche biturbos on the Autobahn. 
Record-playing Rituals?
Life IS difficult and that of an audiophile often more!Why you may ask? Well, thanks to the Albert's kindness I was happily testing the RR unctions and found them to be really convincing in giving a better soundstage both in width and depth and a ... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Mark, thanks for your clear cut words. Forget about the vocab and the ears, just tell us what you hear. You are experienced enough to be trustworthy. At least that's what I think. I myself haven't contacted Audience yet. I think I'll give them abo... 
scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?
Hello Mark, just struck on your post. Too busy recently to log on . Hope you're burning in your unit by now. I am in the wait-mode and very curious. Regards, 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Thanks Katharina, you have your bulg--heart- in the right places-sorry must be the cognac you brought. Can anybody give me the address of PFIZER. Its urgent. I have to do something about those flittchens, once I get out of here and there is only o... 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
PSSSST: I managed to smuggle this out. J, thanks for all your helpful advice...I managed to keep my back to the wall...and the director here is an audiophile...He doesn't know about my stash nor about this website..yet. J you could, if so inclined...