
Responses from ddd1

Amp hums in standby mode when TV is on
You might want to clarify whether your cable TV is actually connected to your audio system and whether the audio components (ie. your stereo) and video components (ie. your TV) are on separate circuits. 
Preamp Suggestions
I would try out your existing electronics with another pair of speakers before deciding. Something with good dynamics like a used pair of Klipsch Heresy. Maybe the emotion you are missing is really dynamics, impact and freedom from compression. 
Need at least 900wpc in 4ohm
Thanks for the explanation Atmasphere. Maybe this weekend if I have time I'll put my 25wpc single ended SAR Labs Little Wally monoblocks back in and check them out. Switched over to something greener for the purpose of saving money (+ higher power... 
Need at least 900wpc in 4ohm
I disagree with Atmasphere's assertion that there are no particularly musical amplifiers that provide in excess of 500 Watts into a given speaker. Me too. I would also like to see the complete list of >500wpc he has actually heard and compare i... 
Speaker Placement Issue/Thoughts
Put on a test CD (ie. Stereophile) and hook a meter up to the speaker outputs while playing some sounds (ie. pink noise) and measure whether there is any major difference in output. If so, find out which electronics further back in the chain are d... 
Modest Speakers for Large Room
Klipsch Forte, Chorus or Cornwall. Great user community, access to spare parts and 3rd party upgrades (ie. Crites) and easy to sell if they don't work out.They will not have any trouble filling your large area with sound even with a lesser amp tha... 
Need at least 900wpc in 4ohm
You can do this cheap (+ runs quietly!)with the Yamaha P7000S:http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/global/en/products/poweramps/ps_series/specifications.jspIf you would rather have Class D (runs cool and also runs quietly!):http://www.crownaudio.com/xls-... 
3 preamps with transformer hum, DC on the line?
You might try communicating with PS Audio about their Humbuster in case you had a faulty unit. I've used one before and it didn't roll off the high frequencies whatsoever and I suspect they wouldn't introduce a product that would, if it was functi... 
Ideas on speaker like Magnepan but with high WAF
Mirage OMD28.http://www.amazon.com/Mirage-OMD28-Black-Floorstanding-Loudspeaker/dp/B000WVAW6O 
bass suggestions 12 x 16 room....
Hopefully, through positioning, you can reduce the problem to a narrow range of bass frequencies (ie. 50Hz-->60Hz) If it still bothers you, it might be necessary to change out the speakers for ones that roll off below about 60 Hz or use a param... 
System needs more watts??
To make sure you don't have impedance matching problems, try swapping in a SS amp with high input impedance and low output impedance and stable into 2 ohm loads. However it is normal for music not to sound full and dynamic at lower than natural le... 
Stereo preamp upgrade
If you can get by without analog inputs, get a used Benchmark DAC-1, run its balanced outputs into the power amp and use the Benchmark's volume control. And you get a free headphone amp out of the deal. Experiment with the gain jumpers. 
a solid state amp that is recessed in the treble
The top 3 models of the Crown Drivecore series are quiet, cheap and sound good with gobs of power. They can drive 2 ohm loads so you won't have problems driving whatever difficult speakers you might be reviewing. Just turn off the limiters and cro... 
Recommendations for Speakers that sound like Snell
I wouldn't even go there without a cheque from wifey for $10K (6K for new speakers and another 4K for mistakes you might make in your search). Providing you with the cheque doesn't give her any input on the choice either since it was her idea, not... 
What preamp
Instead of asking a preamp to fix a problem (and adding another coloured component to your system) I would try to dampen the room more if the speakers are too bright. Or change your listening axis. If that doesn't work, sell the speakers. I believ...