
Responses from dayglow

Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
Is not saying anything a form of deception? 
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?
I just heard Argent "Hold Your Head Up" on ATT Music Channel and then found out they never had another charting US single. "Hold Your Head Up" peaked at #5(Billboard)in 1972. Not sure if it was mentioned in previous posts. FWIW could anyone commen... 
Should I trust movers with my equipment?
Most movers have a hard time NOT damaging furniture! 
So what would you recommend for my next upgrade?
I would upgrade the speakers. The Thiels need more power/current to perform at there best. IMO the 1.5's don't justify spending more money on an amp/pre or even a larger Bryston intergrated. Since you like the Thiel sound think outside the box(lol... 
Italian speakers:Sonus Faber,Chario,Diapason,Opera
The problem is other then Sonus Faber the other 3 don't have many US dealers. Even if a dealer has heard them at various shows, they usually won't talk/praise about what they don't sell. Contact Audiowaves since they sell both Opera and Diapason. ... 
Most underrated composer of 20th Century?
Sir Arnold Edward Trevor Bax. 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
I don't believe "slam" can be accurate unless you have the very best components and a very tweaked(professionally) listening room. Even with great speakers that i've heard several times... IRS-Omega/KEF 207 I felt the "slam" was compacted and slig... 
What is my weak link?
Have never heard the Dynaco 25XL but I assume the speakers are at least 30 years old? Even if speakers are the most flawed audio component, IMO loudspeakers have made the most advancement in sound quality over the last 30 years. 
How much to spend on a decently good phono stage?
An Allnic H-1200(tube) or a Linn Linto(ss)is a good starting point for a serious phono stage. $1K will get you a minty one on the used market. 
Has anyone purchased a krell S 550 I Int amplifier
Audioman58-A very surprising and glowing review. I heard the S300i and thought a NAD 375Bee out performed the Krell in almost every area, with the most notable exception of engagement. The S500i must be a substantial improvement over the S300i or ... 
Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand or Totem Rokk?
The VA Hayden Grand is a very "polite" sounding speaker so amplifier matching is critical. I've heard very good results with Krell-Primare and Primaluna. On the other hand Totem loudspeakers can sound "over the top" but this was from a demo(s)over... 
Harbeth M40.1 vs. KEF 205/2 vs. Spendor SP100R2
Dave72-Thx for the insight! Did the new ATC 40v2 have a slightly more "relaxed"(less worklike) character then the previous model? From what i've heard on Youtube(I know)the JBL S3900 seems very amp sensitive in the bass region regarding bass tight... 
Harbeth M40.1 vs. KEF 205/2 vs. Spendor SP100R2
It would be very helpful and interesting if current/former owners could state the strengths and weaknesses of these 3 iconic speakers. I know your out there, please share your thoughts! 
Harbeth M40.1 vs. KEF 205/2 vs. Spendor SP100R2
Were the 40.1's fully broke in? Some speakers need over 500 hours to be completely broke in. I believe the KEF 205/2 is in the 6th year of production, watch for closeout prices. Can the KEF 205/3 be to far off? Other speakers on my watch list...AT... 
Harbeth M40.1 vs. KEF 205/2 vs. Spendor SP100R2
Garebear-Going from an Avalon to Harbeth must have been an adjustment! Did you feel you had the right amp synergy with the 40.1? The current Spendor 100R2 has won a "speaker of the year" award in Japan. The award might not mean much but i'm sure t...