
Responses from dayglow

Apartment Drama
+2(Frogman's 4-3 post). You will always catch more flies with honey then vinegar! Whenever you have unhappy people in a confined living area any disturbance will usually be blown out of proportion. My best advice is try to politely reason with thi... 
Pro-Ject turntables
Dave72-I demoed a 9.1 several years ago when I was getting ready to jump back into vinyl and it sounded better(not as thin) then the entry level Rega's(P3/5)at the time. Can't remember what cartridge was used but it was relaxed yet focused. 
Pro-Ject turntables
The RM 9.2 appears to offer the best price/performance ratio. The 10.1 and Xtension models offer a plinth which might create added vibrations/colorations even with the added mass. I was considering a Xtension 10 but using a wallwart as a power sup... 
the magic of power cords
Until the vast majority of audiophiles consider all cables as another audio component, this nonsense will continue! 
What hooked you to audio?
Peer Pressure! 
What great speakers can buy direct?
Buy the Magnepan MMG and have them modified by Peter Gunn. This leaves about $4k left for sub(s)or upgrading electronics. 
Revel F208s vs Cremona M vs B&W 803/804 D
If you plan on keeping your electronics the SF Cremona M might be less sensitive to the pre/power amps flaws. 
Rembering the 80s: College Rock
Frank Allison and the Odd Sox and the Junk Monkeys were very popular local college(Detroit/AA area) bands during the mid-late 80's. FWIW I was much more interested in Mozart, Marsalis and Metallica at that time. 
Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT
IMO the 12x12 room could be the cause. Temporarily relocate the speakers/system to your largest room. This could help you pinpoint the problem. Does the smearing get worse with increased volume? If the smearing still occurs in a larger room(with i... 
Of all your gear, what piece impresses you most?
North Star Design-Sapphire. Price/Performance ratio is off the charts! 
Audiophile newbie
Have not heard anyone describe themselves as a Yuppie in 20+ years(lol)! I smell troll house cookies. 
The State of Jazz
Current jazz performers are just not promoted by the media in the good ole USA! They would rather debate if "Kind of Blue" is the greatest jazz recording(lol)! Even the acclaimed Ken Burns jazz series had very little to say after Miles or Coltrane... 
Stopped looking for the best system
Jmcgrogan2-We all know that we are slaves to the recording quality. The possible solution mentioned in your post is not applicable to a majority of us. IMO we should focus on issues we can control. Clearly modifying and properly conditioning elect... 
Stopped looking for the best system
IMO the quality/consistency of your incoming electricity sets the benchmark for your system. Cables, room acoustics and vibration control are also very important but if the power issue is not addressed these become band-aid corrections at best. Yo... 
OPINIONS NEEDED 100 trade-in chance FOCAL
I would clearly go with the Diablo. The Diablo is an iconic speaker which will always be in demand creating a high resale value. If you go with a new Diablo you should also expect a minimum 10% courtesy discount!