
Responses from dayglow

Sell quality turntable to buy top CD player?
No nasty response here! The time and effort vinyl demands is not for everyone. IMO the Audia Flight-CD One is not easily surpassed at any price. $2700 might not be enough for a late model version, but you would save in the long run avoiding any ne... 
Are any Command label recordings worth the hunt?
Thx-Casey33 and Opus88 for your replies! I'm not a classical music expert but I knew there was something special with the performance of the Pittsburgh Symphony(Brahms No.1) conducted by William Steinberg. Opus 88 i've just read many of your posts... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Steve Tyrell at The Ark-Ann Arbor Mi 4-24-14. He exceeded my expectations with his stage presence and charisma. +1 for Mr.Tyrell and my wife! 
Focus Audio FP88SE vs VA Beethoven Concert Grand
I own the Focus Audio FS8 model although it has lower quality drivers and crossover then the FP88SE, I can't think of any other $3k(new) box floorstander I would rather own. The VA Mozart was on my short list but the lack of speed and overly relax... 
Spendor SP 100/R2 and Harbeth 40.1 - impressions?
Your MBL amps should give excellent bass control adding speed and tightnesss while still retaining the sonic signature of the 100R2. 
Spendor SP 100/R2 and Harbeth 40.1 - impressions?
I heard the Harbeth 40.1 with a Luxman 505u and was disappointed. The 505u was not up to the task of driving the 40.1. I've heard several OTHER Spendor speakers and the midrange tonality/texture(Quad like)impressed me. IMO Harbeth(in general) are ... 
Best cheap speaker cables............again
Ctsooner-Agreed! DIY guys are always complaining about cost and marketing practices of HEA companies. 
Telefunken Black Diamond E88CC / 6922
The 6922 has been back ordered for quite a while? 
How Much Does Your Favorite Band Cost?
Collective Soul is a steal at $30K! 
Are any Command label recordings worth the hunt?
Where are all the guys(girls/Elizabeth) with the 5000+ vinyl LP collections to help me out? 
Some irrefutable truths about rock and roll
Wildoats-Might be time to replace the batteries in your hearing aid? 
Sheffield Lab
Give me Don Randi and Quest over the celebrated dreck from U2/Red Hot Chili Peppers/Nirvana/White Stripes and The Kings of Leon! 
$6000 budget question
Them 200 watt monoblecks? and 1000$? cables are just snake oil Jethro! Veroman-AudioKarma will welcome you with open arms! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rare Silk-New Weave! 
Sheffield Lab
Mofimadness-Thx for the reminder! I do need to add the Sheffield Tower of Power to my vinyl collection.