
Responses from david12

Ok this will be a good thread.
A vote for speakers and this is based on my experience of change. Every change in the system has an effect, but the biggest change and or improvement is the speakers. So this is my order of declining significance, which is not to say items on the ... 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
A question for you Adagio users, any thoughts on supports? I have a carpet on a suspended wooden floor and have the version of spikes with a blunt rounded end, though of course I can change to true spikes. Has anyone experimented with supports for... 
Personal CD player evolution
A late developer dragged into the digital age in the late 90's: Ariston player 1997 Copland 266(still used by my son) 2000 Shanling CDT100 2003, heavily modded in 2004 
cdp's you had glitches with
Shanling CDT 100, it never read CD's well, now it has to be turned off and on to read a new CD. Sounds nice though. On the other hand, I had a Copland 206? I can't remember, for 4 years before that and now it has had incredible abuse from my son f... 
Anyone compare Lavardin with Sugden?
I have heard both, but not at the same time and use the Lavardin IT. I would say you can't go wrong with either. The Sugden is class A as you know, detailed and on the warm side of neutral. Lavardin is probably more detailed but not cold and clini... 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
Well My Adagios are in place and even the wife is happy with the Mappa Burr finish, not the base drivers mind you, they are too black(give me strength). They are more than I expected, out of the box they are clean dynamic, excellent soundstage. I ... 
What's your speaker IQ, and the best speaker?
good thread, the following is what I have auditioned at length and owned. My budget is'nt as rich as some of the posts. Owned: Quad 57 Monitor Audio MA8 Dynaudio Audience 50(great value and sound) Living Voice Auditorium (not great) Living Voice... 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
Well I have just finished the audition and I have ordered a pair of the Adagios. I was slightly concerned whether the amplifier power I had available would be enough, moving from 94db Living Voice Avatars, to 89 db. I use a 50 watt SS and 22watt S... 
Low watt tube amps/pros/cons
I agree with Herman "it's all in the application", both for speakers and amps. Particularly in the output transformers. I use a Viva Solista, which is a 2 man lift. Only 22 watts, but it seems to have the grip to drive Wilson Grand Slams. Alright ... 
ARC PH5 or K&K Audio Phono Stage
Never heard the ARC, but another strong vote for the K&K. I too have used a number of units: Trichord Dino Tom Evans Microgroove Audio Synthesis Passion Clearaudio Reference I have heard numerous others, the Whest, Tom Evans Groove, Bel Canto,... 
Any experience with Tyler Pro Dynamic speakers?
Very kind of you to offer, but I live in the UK, a bit of a treck. Partly why your advise is welcome, auditioning is'nt easy. 
Any experience with Tyler Pro Dynamic speakers?
JimFord Thanks for the feedback. In fact the 30 or equivelant was the version I was waiting for, the same size as the 20 but larger drivers and a bit better base. Do you find it critical for positioning, it is still pretty big and I would need too... 
Can I expect to pay full retail for a new system?
Great advise, but to add my 2 cents worth, information is the key. Find out the price of an item on the net, look at alternatives and work out what you think a fair price is. I think a good dealer is a great asset to us and should be treated fairl... 
I need help choosing my next tube preamp.
I would go for the CJ option too, I used the 17 for 3 years and would still have it except i have gone integrated. If the XLR point is a deal breaker the CJ is out, if not, a strong recommendation. 
Step Up or new Phono Preamp ??
I know the prevailing view is step ups bad, active gain good, the usual respondents are there like Raul and I would'nt claim to be as knowledgeable as they, but I get very good results with a step up in my phono stage. In a sense I agree with the ...