
Responses from david12

A mistake spending too much on amplification?
I agree with Duke, to me, there is more variation between speakers than any other component and that must be because there are more variables to account for and a wider range of choices. I have found a greater change in sound character changing sp... 
First round of auditions disappointing
Can the Adagio's play loudly in a large room with two 6.5" drivers? Yes, absolutely, I have heard them demoed in a large room and they play very loud, the transmission line certainly deepens the base, I am not sure if they account for loudness. Mo... 
First round of auditions disappointing
Shows are a problem all over the world, one way to look at it is if a room sounds good, it must be really good well set up. Some speakers I have heard you may like, I like a fast neutral unboxy speaker. Zu Definition Silverline range 2nd hand Quad... 
Top Ten Interconnects of all time...
Only one mention for my regular cable, Acoustic Zen Silver reference and Hologram. They are not ultra expensive, but are detailed with real body, unlike my prior Nordost cables. Definitely the best ever in my system. 
How to best isolate TT from vibration?
I agree with wall mounting and also into a solid wall, preferably outside wall. I put mine in a partition wall, of necessity and the tonearm dances around when you walk past doh!!. Its still better than on a quality hifi rack, just choose your wal... 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
Ghasley I don't think anyone is asking for buy, but audition recommendations. There are a vast number of possible amp/speaker combinations, so other peoples experience is a useful starting point. I agree about poor show conditions, but that can be... 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
I would also like some feedback on amps in use on the Adagios. I am currently using the excellent Lavardin IT, but at 50 watts, I am wondering what a good SS integrated with 150+ watts output, might give me. I suspect I will get a better base and ... 
How many pair of speakers do you own?
You have no idea how useful this thread, but just one question first, where on earth do you keep them? To answer the question, I have 1 pair only, obviously not a serious audiophile then. My wife insists I am being extravagant when I bought some A... 
Running Speakers with amps of minimum output
The Viva is only 22 watts but sounds louder, with more grip than the Lavardin and tha Adagios are said to be SET friendly. The Viva is in hospital in Italy at the moment, I will cross that bridge if the Viva does'nt seem to match the new speakers 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
Rja, As far as I know the sub is available, when I bought my Adagios there was some info with it, with a picture. It is called the Allegro, available in the same colours, I believe for $3000. 1000watt amp, 92db sensitivity, Frequency 19 to 100hz+-... 
How does Throens TD160 stand up?
I used a 160 for about 20 years. I thought it a nice table for the money and bought it when I was a poor hospital intern and could'nt afford an LP12. I finally got my LP12, it was certainly better than the 160, but not that much. Eventually and fi... 
old vs new
Interesting question and no easy answer I think. I always buy 2nd hand but not 5 to 10 years old. Most boxes loose 1/3 of their value leaving the shop, so you still get great value nearly new. I was discussing this with a UK dealer I really respec... 
Best affordable phono preamp?
cincy bob, Sorry about the delay in replying. I have heard or auditioned the following, although the system has changed over time. Tom Evans Microgroove+ Tom Evans Groove(short period) Trichord Delphini Clearaudio Reference EAR 834 (borrowed)  
floor stander suggestions
If you use Zen cable, why not the Acoustic Zen Adagios. I have a cable loom of Silver Reference and Hologram and the new Adagios are just wonderful. I know new speakers get hyped, but theses are the real deal, as fast as electrostatics, dynamic un... 
Best affordable phono preamp?
K&K phono stage, Kevin Carter's take on the Art Audio Vinyl reference he designed. Its a Jfet/tube Hybrid with step up transformers. I have'nt heard beter in my system, $1500 as a kit $1950 built and tested.