
Responses from david12

worse entertainer or performer of all time??
I think the thread should be limited to people who sing as their day job, not sports stars or actors like William Shatner. Alright, bad example, not an actor either. Anyone can be persuaded by a sycophant hanger on, that the world has been waiting... 
Must Hear Speakers in $10K range
Well a 4th or is it 5th for Daedalus and the DA-RMa monitors give little away to the Ulysses in a much smaller package, well below $10000, including the Poly Crossovers. As I understand it, the very low direct from the manufacturers pricing, won't... 
Dartzeel CTH-8550
I am definitely in the enthusiast camp. I am a long term integrated user and have had many highly rated units at one time or another; Viva solista Lavardin IT Karan K180 Pathos Inpol2 Ayon Spark I use the latter 2 now. None have come near to what ... 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
The answer to this question will be based on your personal set of preferences. There is a clear differnce between SET's, higher power SS amps, horn and cone speakers. Personally, I have rarely heard a higher output Class A/B, SS amp I could live w... 
Reed tonearm w/ Raven One table-how's the match ?
Opus 88 Yes I would say the sound is essenially neutral. Certainly I find the Benz neutral to my ears and yes, I think the Ortofon is a neutral arm I have used the Benz, Koetsu Onyx and Zyx Airy 3 with it and what character the cartridge had, seem... 
Reed tonearm w/ Raven One table-how's the match ?
I have the Raven One and use the Benz LP, which is on your list of cartridges. I can't comment on the Reed arm I'm afraid, but did E-mail Thomas at TW re arm choice. At that time, he used and strongly recommended the Ortofon 309D arm, on the Raven... 
Where R U?????
Wantage, Oxfordshire, UK, a one horse town , only famous ish, for being the birthplace of King Alfred the great. He who finally fought the Danes to a standstill, so determining that we and you, come to think of it, speak English or Anglo Saxon, ra... 
Phono preamp comparison: Herron vs. K&K
I have been using the earlier Phono SE for some years and it has been a fixed part of my system. It's not going anywhere. This is not only it's undoubted quality and value for money, but the fact it is'nt fixed. Kevin periodically produces these a... 
Where to use Isolation devices
I use devices under everything and believe everything seems to benefit, including speakers. I use a range and don't believe myself, you need to use the same throughout. Herbies products are always good value, I use the Isocups. I also have some St... 
Viva Solista Question
Not as far as I know. The speaker taps seemed well matched to a number of speakers I used. Doubtless the importer, if there is still one in the US, could tell you. 
Do you ever doubt you ears ?
Do I trust my ears? I do and I don't. The problem to me, is what others have alluded to. I can always hear a difference in any change to my system. but is it better, or just different? I believe our brains are hard wired to seek change, differnce,... 
What are your favorite phono cartridges?
I think my favourite was the Koetsu Rosewood signature I used for 3 years. I had a second hand Onyx recently, but it was'nt a good compliance match with my arm. Now I use a Benz Micro LP, which is the second best cartridge I have used. 
SET vs ICE vs GAINCLONE vs HYBRID vs other?
In general, I am sure it is the execution that matters, not the toplogy "it ain't what you do but the way that you do it2 I am using a SET and Pathos integrated amps at the moment. I know SET amps are limited in power so speaker choice etc, but I ... 
ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III
Just as a matter of interest, Ayon seem to positively discourage tube rolling in their user manuals, I have the Spark. This may be connected to there making the tubes themselves. I wonder, in reality, what possible drawback there could be, in tryi... 
Yamamoto A-08S and Audio Note ANe
Off subject I know, but do you really feel there is low correlation between price and performance Audiofiel. Granted, there are a large number of products which give poor value for money, but if you take reputable companies with good solid enginee...