
Responses from david12

How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
Pubul57 That's a very interesting point you raise. How far is to far to expect to be able to buy from a dealer. This is much more of a problem in the US, with the size of the country. Here in the UK, 500 miles takes you from one end of the country... 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
The editorial in this months HiFi+, discusses the new paradigm of what is expensive, in our hobby. A few years ago, $100,000 for a piece of kit, was a stupid waste of money, now it seems the norm. Who are these people, who can drop $500000 on a pa... 
How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?
About 2000, starting in about 1966. There was a big hiatus in the 80's and 90's, when a growing family was the priority. I restarted seriously in about 1998. The kids, by the way, don't get any cheaper. Why does nowone tell you that before you sta... 
Nordost Valhalla Power Cords
I bought a second hand pair a few months ago. I could'nt afford new prices. I like its speed and tranparency, but found it a little bleache tonally, in comparison to the Lessloss Origonal and Sablon Audio Robusto, I mainly use. Both are a lot chea... 
How are Hig-End Speakers Priced?
I had the manufacturer of my US speakers over to visit a year ago, to try and develop some interest here in the UK, at a show. He gave the example of an $80000 speaker, he thought would have a material content below $20000, similar to the range me... 
The Emperor DAC has no Clothes
It seems to me having followed DAC threads for a while and listening to a few, that a lot of the differences may arise out of connections. DACs and computer audio seem unique in having a plethora of connections, partly because many of them have re... 
upgrading speaker crossovers
Why would it not be just a matter of slinging a higher grade cap into the crossover. if the values are the same, shouldnt they electrically do the same thing and then its just a matter of the better cap doing the same thing better? you would thin... 
GNSC has closed . . .
I am sorry to hear that. I had repeated trouble with my GNSC modded Opus 21 CD player and Steve was unfailingly helpful and patient with me. 
upgrading speaker crossovers
It makes an enormous difference. There is a very good range of Scottish speakers called Art. In their better ranges they offer each speaker in 3 grades of crossover, useing high grade capacitors and silver wire etc. You are quite literally, listen... 
The best integrated amplifier
I have a couple of suggestions, but it partly depends on power needs. I prefer tubes, but one of the best amps I have heard, regardless of topography, was the Lavardin IT, only 50 watts though. The best SS I have heard, cost no object, was the Dar... 
Best speaker in the $5-10K range. Details below.
I'll third Daedalus. I went to Rocky Mountain and ordered the DA-RMAs on the spot. Lou at Daedalus has a number of users around the states who are happy to Demo. Contact him and see if someone is near you. They look stunning too. At 96DB sensitivi... 
845 Tube Amps
I know of Viva, I had their Solista integrated and very good it was too. 3 other Italian companies come to mind, Mastersound, Unison Research and New Audio Frontiers. There must be others, but I can't recall them. I am sure you will know, all will... 
845 recommendations from actual experience
I used the Shuangung 845b with my Viva Solista. I have to say, I could'nt hear a great deal of difference between them and the basic valves that it came with. As Casouza says, the plate voltage is very high with Viva's use of the valve. Some 845's... 
Fed up with people making noise at classical shows
The cast/orchestra can get there own back. In the early 50's an aged uncle of mine was at a show in London, in his Sunday best outfit. It was a comedy by the crazy gang, a famous clown/slapstick group of artists. He was laughing in the wrong place... 
Best audio purchase of 2011
I am in a position where my system is pretty balanced. If I change I need to upgrade everything. No way I can afford that, or want to, I am happy with what I have. That leaves tweakery and I picked up 2 second hand Nordost QB4 units over the year....