
Responses from david12

The downward spiral.....
The answer I am sure, is that things have moved on, in some areas more than others. I think tube and SS amps, particularly the former, have improved greatly, Pre amps maybe more so, also CD players. Speakers maybe not so much change. What happens,... 
Most helpful audio companies
Is'nt it intersting that most of the replies envolve small companies. There is another thread about buying from different size companies at the moment, but one advantage of small ones, does seem to be a more personal, friendly service. May I confi... 
are audiophiles different than non audiophiles ?
RW the ".", is not a period, it's a full stop! We on the other side of the pond invented the language, sort of, so we get to give the punctuation correct names. 
Record weights 'n clamps: Audible improvements ?
I just picked up a Shun Mook record weight second hand, they don't often come up. This is the smaller weight, the stupidly expensive, not the insanely expensive large one. Second hand, it is bearable, just. Opinions about Shun Mook seem strongly p... 
small companies making today's best products
Is'nt it true that there are good and bad examples in all levels of this industry, small manufacturers, middling and large and Dealers. I think certain areas are easier for small manufacturers to compete, cartridges, speakers and cables come to mi... 
Origin DC Motor in LP12: Marketing or reality?
OI put the OL motor on my Valhalla Linn some years ago and did'nt hear a dramatic change. My system wasn't that good then, so it may have been hard to hear the change. I put on a OL Silver taper tone arm and that was a real upgrade on the Ittok 
What is your source for discovering new music?
I have to be very selective what I buy now, I am overflowing with software, with nowhere else to put them.1) I agree with Tom6897 list of labels to look for, but would add ECM and Stockfisch. Buy almost anything on ECM and there is a lot, great re... 
A New Believer
I agree with Almarg about price correlation. I am absolutely convinced cable change makes an immediately audible difference, speaker interconnect and power, but price is no guide at all to quality. Everyone I am sure, is aware of the cost content ... 
Do Mono Block amps provide better sound ??
A more useful question might be, if you spend the same money, is an integrated, Pre/Power, Pre Monoblocks, better. Depending on the price and other variables, I suspect it is the integrated. This has to be more cost effective, with one chassis and... 
Amp to match Avantgarde Uno G2 horn speakers
The UK importer of Avantgard, Graham Tricker, is a great enthusiast for the speakers and of course, is Tron Amplifiers also. I don't know that Tron amps were voiced with Avantgard in mind, but they did sound very good together, when I went to pick... 
Power cord for low-watt tube amp?
I am sure power cords make a real and immediately audible difference. I would think though, that a good cord is a good cord, which may or may not match well with a component. I am not so convinced a cord is good for CD players power amps etc. 2 co... 
Tube amps and speaker matching
My 22 watt SET drove the Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers I was using at the time, with better grip and control than 180watt Karan K180 integrated. The Adagios from memory, were 89db sensitivity and dropped to a minimum of 6ohm impedence. So, not all ... 
Best Integrated, period.
Having owned quite a few integrated amps and listened to many more, I have to agree with USB, the dartzeel is pretty remarkable, lightning fast, but smooth and detailed. If I could only afford it, I'll just have to wait a few years till one comes ... 
Question for Pure Power 1050 users
You can absolutely hear the difference with different cords out of the 1050. It really is a very good power source by the way. The difference when I put it in my system was very obvious indeed. The retailer who sold me mine recommended a good but ... 
Phono stage ideas
The Tron is excellent, but not cheap. I compared it with my K&K phono stage and there was'nt a lot in it. The K&K should be less than half the price, particularly if you can wield a soldering iron. You don't see many people getting rid of ...