

Responses from daveyf

audiophiles who are just getting the itch to upgrade
@phill55  I think that your comparison between your old Linn and the new VPI is valid, BUT I also think that IF you had updated your Linn to a higher spec and replaced the Ittok, your findings would have swayed again to the Linn. Everything you de... 
Reasonable not to be offered a trial on a cart?
Wanted to update this older thread. I think in todays market the idea of a home audition and a cartridge in particular has probably changed. I was lucky enough to have my dealer allow a home audition on my deck prior to committing to a purchase. E... 
Linn LP12 vs VPI prime / classic / signature
@millercarbon.  Please explain how a Linn can sound more like the ‘live’ instrument and yet resolve less than what is on the recording? 
Wilson Alexandria X2 vs Alexx
Having heard both, I would easily go with the Alexx. The old X2 utilizes the bright, ringing and nasty ( IMO) Focal titanium dome. That alone would discount this speaker for me. You have enough power to drive either speaker. The price of the old A... 
Anyone use Koetsu with Harbeth
Harbeth's are typically a warm sounding speaker ( nothing wrong with that, IMHO). Koetsu's are also a warm sounding cartridge. The Kleos is more resolving- and if set up correctly, more neutral than any Koetsu that I have heard. I would think that... 
Linn LP12 vs VPI prime / classic / signature
You ask an interesting question. I have heard both tables, not in my system though. The Linn is the table that I own, if that tells you something.. The VPI Classic is a nice sounding table with some decent attributes...the basic model was priced a... 
Replacement Sonus Faber grille strings?
@french_fries I think that price from SF was for the material only, then you had to have someone string them...another crazy cost!I certainly hope someone would invent a grill replacement that would fit on the speaker. I have been recently tighten... 
Jeff Rowland Daemon – Reviewing The JRDG Superintegrated Flagship Amplifier
G. I run my mono blocks off the same circuit. Admittedly they do not pull that much current off the wall. However, I was initially not doing this and was running them like you suggest. I found that I was getting more noise this way, and was told i... 
Jeff Rowland Daemon – Reviewing The JRDG Superintegrated Flagship Amplifier
G. Very interested in your results once you are up and running again. Questions..shouldn’t you plug the 925’s into one AC circuit, either AC circuit 1 or AC circuit 3...and not one amp into a separate circuit, like you contemplate?Are the circuits... 
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!!
@heaudio123 Couple of questions for you...What is your definition of a ’burned in’ unit? When do you consider an effect 'audible'? 
The Harbeth phenomenon
I have heard all of the Harbeth models. They have a family sound that is extremely attractive. Warmth is a word that comes to mind with these speakers...which, although something of a dirty word these days in high end, is where I believe a lot of ... 
Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge?
@bukanona. Unfortunately, several of my old mono LPS are ruined due to a worn stylus. Now, I grant you, if you don’t mind a ton of snap, crackle and pop, then one could still listen to these...with the cartridges you suggest.  
Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge?
@chakster Before you call someone’s statement as questionable, look at what you are going to write first. Your post about a conical stylus is comical.@bukanona I own a number of mono records, some of them are just about unlistenable...because they... 
Break in time that extends to months or maybe even years!!
@cleeds  ARC didn't state anything about the long break in time in the manual of the piece I am referring to ( I did not say they did, you somehow read that?) , but in a response to a review, this was recommended. I doubt any company mentions much... 
Not impressed
Very interesting OP. There used to be an argument that it was foolish to spend really big $$ on audio gear, better to use less money and attend a lot of live music. Or, if the budget is big enough, which these days for the cost of some systems, it...