

Responses from daveyf

The ever lasting diamond stylus...is it a myth or??
There is absolutely no doubt that if the groove is very dirty and has hard deposits...that through time the diamond can become a little worn or possibly damaged.( as to the shape). However, as in my OP, I am thinking that today there really is no ... 
The ever lasting diamond stylus...is it a myth or??
Interesting, you know this for sure....and given my parameters posted above. Or, is this just supposition?? How have you 'looked into the horses mouth'? Years ago, I looked through a microscope of a stylus that was supposedly worn out, I had no id... 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
Eric, what did you not like about your Kleos..? did you run it straight into the CAT or did you use the SUT? The Kleos has a lot more output than the Proteus ( BTW I think the Proteus is a GREAT cartridge!) so, if you were using the SUT with the K... 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
Raul, the CAT phono stage gets very noisy as the cartridge output dips below 0.3mv in my system. Please note that I do not have very efficient speakers, so the amp has to work a lot harder to drive the speakers..and therefore the preamp has to do ... 
Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi
Lewm I have long thought what you posted...since I have not heard most of the Koetsu range, I was never sure of the sound. I recently heard a new Rosewood Signature..and i thought it was a good cart but certainly not at the level of some of the ot... 
I think anyone having an issue with footfalls should seriously consider upgrading the bottom plate to a Trampolin 2.The Tramp 2 is a very nice upgrade by itself...and if you are plagued by footfalls, a no brainer. 
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
ricred1..don't get your pan..... in a twist!I own a customized ( by Jeff) model 8T...which frankly blew away the standard 625 in my system when I did an AB. My tube amp ( which I suspect you do not own--or for that matter any tube amp!) is an ARC ... 
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
ricred1, i have not heard the 625S2 in my system, but I have heard the625's on several occasions. The 625's are a good amp, but like I said, they sound to me like a ss amp ( nothing really wrong in that). The ss sound is ( at least to my ears) not... 
Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC
Here's a thought, maybe do as I do...own a Rowland ss amp for when you want that ss sound..and a tube amp for when you like the sound of tubes!The Rowland is an excellent ss amp, having said that, it has all of the typical ss attributes...less dep... 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
George, I own a modified SL1 Signature with NOS Mullards and GE NOS long plates.Agreed that the Jadis mono blocks are a lot better than the integrateds, but for some reason that was what was being demo'ed. 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
George, great to hear that the CAT preamp plays nice with the Jadis amps....I LOVE my current CAT preamp. BTW, have you tried rolling in tubes into yours....a BIG step-up in sound can be had; and for little money.At the Newport show yesterday, the... 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
gwalt, good to hear that you thought highly of the new Jadis amps. I am going to Newport on Friday and hopefully someone there will have a pair on demo. I'm sure they must be superb and will be on my short list. 
Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???
veriwide100...after twenty (20) years I think the amps have given great service if they have had no other issues in the past! To say they are boat anchors simply because they now need to have new transformers seems a little harsh. BTW, I would be ... 
Vintage Sonus Faber vs New Scansonic
My SF Guarneri Homage's are still able to put a smile on most a'philesfaces. The driver technology is still IMHO very competitive with the best available. The silk dome technology is now used in the top-of-the-line Wilson's. One thing that I think... 
Sonus Faber Guarneri - will any aiddtional isolation be beneficial?
Denon 1, I think the G’s benefit from a couple of things. Like most speakers they are best when away from the back and side walls. As to isolating the marble bases, well i think that this may be desirable on a suspended floor, but not so much on a...