
Responses from daverz

Squeezebox touch sounds better than benchmark dac1
@Mr_bill, you probably have better eyesight than the average middle-aged person.@Ncarv, I highly recommend iPeng. I never use the Touch's screen or remote. There's also an Android app.My impression is that the Touch screen is meant to be used by s... 
logitech touch - tech success...marketing flop?
I assume the OP means brick & mortar stores when he asks about retailers. For example, my local Best Buy did not carry any Squeezeboxes last time I checked. 
Must Hear Speakers in $10K range
When I did the speaker shopping thing a couple years ago, the most impressive to me were Aerial, Vandersteen, and the PSB Synchrony Ones, though admittedly, the Synchronys didn't really impress me until they were hooked up to a really good amp (a ... 
Vandersteen and NOT BI WIRE---Your thoughts
Oh, that's embarassing, how did that post get there. Please ignore it, I can't delete it. 
Vandersteen and NOT BI WIRE---Your thoughts
I remember not being ultimately convinced by the 803D in the showroom. The tweeter called too much attention to itself. I wonder what tube amplification would have done for it.But with the 802D and up you're in a whole different ballpark, I think. 
Benchmark dac - why such diverging opinions?
"Musical" is just another way of saying "I like it", isn't it? Even "it sounds like live music" is totally subjective; everyone takes away something different from the experience of live music.One thing that's only been touched on briefly so far t... 
Vandersteen and NOT BI WIRE---Your thoughts
Unfortunately, Audioquest Slate doesn't seem to be available anymore. Is there an equivalent? Also Audio Advisor doesn't see to offer barrier spades as an option anymore. Bummer; it was a really good deal. 
How to isolate a refrigerator?
I used to turn my fridge off for "critical" listening (it's in the same "great room"), but I kept forgetting to turn it back on. @Miltcharlie: Thanks for the timer idea.Actually my Hotpoint fridge is not too bad for noise. I think it was original ... 
Vandersteen and NOT BI WIRE---Your thoughts
I'm using Audioquest Slate in a bi-wire configuration, with small spades on the speaker ends (terminated by Audio Advisor). The Audioquest has the runs in the same jacket, but the quad configuration should ensure that there is little magnetic inte... 
Dvorak Symphony No. 2 Classic records excellent
If you mean me: VTF is 1.74g for my AT33PTG (AT specifies 1.6-2.0g with 1.8g "standard".) Why I arrived at that particular number is lost in the mists of time.My VTA is set to be neutral on a typical Lp. I didn't bother adjusting VTA for the 180g ... 
Elgar enigma/ Picture at an exhibition
A Pictures recording with a really great orchestra would be the Ormandy recording with Philadelphia:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000F6YW2Q(There's another recording on RCA, but I'm referring specifically to this one on Sony.) 
Dvorak Symphony No. 2 Classic records excellent
Had a chance to compare the Classic Lp reissue of the Reiner Concerto for Orchestra with the CD layer of the BMG hybrid SACD issue. Please disregard my earlier comment about deficiencies of the recording. It's not "modern" sounding, but I have no ... 
Dvorak Symphony No. 2 Classic records excellent
OK, now I've looked up what LSC-1934 is (Reiner's Concerto for Orchestra). Am I supposed to have these catalog numbers memorized?I have the Classics reissue as well as the BMG hybrid SACD. I remember the Classics Lp and the BMG CD layer sounding r... 
Dvorak Symphony No. 2 Classic records excellent
This was from back in the day when RCA licensed many Decca recordings, so there are various Decca pressings as well.Here's another pressing of this recording on Decca Ace of Diamonds (which I have no experience with):http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/ws/eBay... 
What preamp would you mate to your Rogue M180's?
I'm very happy with the BAT 3iX/Rogue M-180 combination. The BAT has survived several bouts of upgraditis. I do wish it had the nicer interface of the more expensive BAT preamps. I'm currently using all EH tubes in the 3iX.