
Responses from daverz

Who has a symmetrical music room
There is no symmetry in my room at all, so I have the speakers and my listening chair well away from any walls and use room treatments on the walls and heavy drapes on the windows. I sometimes feel there's still a bit of asymmetry in the soundstag... 
Favorite Pre Amp and Amp with Vandersteen?
I've used Bryston (3B-SST), BAT (VK250SE), and now Rogue M-180 tube monoblocks. I've also auditioned the BAT VK-55 (tubes). The VK-250 was certainly very good, but I used it for trade-in on the Rogues, which are more transparent and natural soundi... 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
Should we explain the relationship between power and voltage again, or should we just open some beers and turn up the volume? 
Cartridge installation
Well, I left out the trouble of mounting the cart, which as we all know takes all 3 hands if the cart doesn't have threads. Do it when you're alert and relaxed, not jittery or fatigued.I suppose a pro could fine adjust VTF, VTA, and anti-skate. Th... 
Cartridge installation
What do you mean by fine tuning? 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
@Fripp1: the fine print on the "all amps sound the same" claim is "with the same input and output impedance and producing the same volume within their rated specs (i.e. not clipping)". Can't say I can test that claim as all the amps I've owned hav... 
Rogue Audio Cronus .... reverse polarity ?
The Vandersteens are coherent, though.I know of one famous recording that is supposedly effected by polarity inversion: Harry Belafonte at Carnegie Hall. I wonder if there's a list of more such recordings around. 
Cartridge installation
It's really easy to install a cartridge in a modern SME arm. Honest. Just follow the detailed directions in the manual. 
Rogue Audio Cronus .... reverse polarity ?
In fact, the 99 manual suggests reversing the polarity at the speaker end.My M-180s do not reverse polarity (well at least according to Stereophile). 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
I thought I heard a dissipation of the "solid state fog" from my Bryston 3B-SST when I left it on for more than a day. But it may be that Elizabeth planted that suggestion in my head.In any case, no amount of warmup makes the Bryston sound as good... 
Has anyone ever experienced the "Taos Hum"
Maybe Taos has a ground loop. 
W4S ST-1000, How Loud Should It Play?
Perhaps the DAC has some sort of safety volume limiting feature enabled.I'm sure the 5V output rating for the DAC-2 is the sum of the balanced legs. I suspect the 2.9V sensitivity for the amp is per leg as well when using the balanced connections.... 
Bang for the buck
Let's keep things in perspective: The spindle/clamp upgrade is 80 GBP. Upgrading to an Orbe costs a little more than that.I'd also suggest a good speed strobe like the Kab. As I mentioned, the stock Gyro power supply does have speed adjustment scr... 
Is no preamp the best preamp of all?
I agree that many issues with passives are probably impedance issues. Inline attenuators will also reduce your effective input impedance.It would help if more amps had adjustable sensitivity so that less attenuation was needed for the high output ... 
Is no preamp the best preamp of all?
OK, after a bit of thought I think I see what you are trying to say with the analogy. It helps me to think of it in terms of arithmetic. If you start out with 16-bit audio you have 2**16 different peak-to-peak voltages available. If you reduce the...