
Responses from dave_72

Bryston BP26 with Pass Labs
I've heard the Bryston BP26 many times. It decent unit that doesn't do much harm. It's a little overpriced, though. Imo, the Pass Labs preamps (XP series) which I've also heard, are a bit richer sounding than the Bryston, which sounds more on the ... 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
Ok Milpai, thanks for the info! 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
A similar speaker in the Harman lineup is the JBL L890. I have a pair which I used fom '07-'12. I can safely say that it punched way above its weight when driven by Bryston amp and preamp. I got the pair for $800. You still might be able to get th... 
Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?
Zd542, I have a hunch that the op has been reading objectivist crap on youtube and other sites. I could certainly be wrong, though. 
The Audio Critic
Exactly. And he's a hypocrite calling audiophiles "tweako cultists" when he is a cult leader himself. He's a god to die-hard objectivists who repeat his mantras over and over again. The whole thing is a sham. Then again, some subjectivist reviewer... 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
That good, huh. As good as expensive silver cables like Neotech and Siltech? 
Speaker recommendation
How about the Focal Chorus line? That should provide more bang and zing than the Maggies. 
Audio - Post Divorce
Dave - I now have good listening sessions all the time!Great! Good to hear that. You're welcome, by the way. :D 
The Audio Critic
The last review of a power amp I recall seeing in TAC, was on the Parasound A-21. MSRP, $2500 USD. Hardly the cheapest out there. Does he own Parasound also??He gave it a very positive review.But not without the typical Aczel caveats and a jab at ... 
The Audio Critic
A lot of people have taken his mantra and ran with it. You see most of these types on you tube and other sites.That would be you, Rok2id. You have a belief too, whether you like it or not. Integrity or not, gold ol' Pete is still a quack. Again, y... 
Las Vegas
February place and time set:http://lasvegasaudioclub.blogspot.com/2015/02/february-place-and-time-set.html 
Audio - Post Divorce
Hang in there. I hope you can sit down and have a good listening session soon. 
The Audio Critic
Peter Aczel? he's basically a quack. I used to be a big fan of that rag, until I realized you can't listen to graphs. Graphs can't tell you how you will be moved (or not moved) by the music. He used to recommend decent stuff like Bryston, but now ... 
proper Tannoy Canterbury room set up
Great speakers. congrats! Happy listening! 
Amp recommendation for Magnepan 3.7's?
I guess Bryston would be ok, since Magnepan uses those. Pass Labs should be ok too. I would definitely go out and audition any amp.