
Responses from dave_72

ATC scm40 or Spendor A9
ATC all the way.Although those SP100s have merit, they're too tough with that price here in the US. Another example of an overzealous importer. 
Las Vegas
Our Nineteenth meeting: http://lasvegasaudioclub.blogspot.com/2015/03/our-nineteenth-meeting.html 
Preamp for Bryston 4B SST2
No problem. Sounds good. ATC makes killer stuff, not just speakers. All of it is top notch. 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
To me, the FM Acoustics is the best. The audiophiles abroad are right. Especially if you're a mostly analog guy. Hearing is believing. But exactly how they justify the prices, I dunno. It used to be less...a lot less!But, that's progress right?! lol. 
Which Turntable??
I tend to agree with Schubert. One shouldn't have to mess with the bearings. And I'll take the Technics all day long over this Pioneer or any of the new direct drive 'tables (made in China) popping up in the last year or so. 
Preamp for Bryston 4B SST2
Isn't the BP6 based on the preamp in the B60 SST - which is the same as the pre in the B100 SST?I believe so. I'm not 100 perecent sure, however. You might wanna double check with Bryston on that one. 
Preamp for Bryston 4B SST2
You might wanna consider the BP6. I use this little sucker with my 4BSST, and it comes relatively close to the BP26 at a lower price. I would definitely go out and hear one for yourself. 
Bryston 3B ST vs NAD C 355BEE
I would say the Bryston would run rings around the NAD, but maybe not. I would take the Bryston because of the greater reliability, warranty (regardless if you're paying for it or not)and power output. However, it's hard to say without hearing both. 
Parasound halo JC2 what a joke
Thanks Don_c55. AS for the rest of you guys, I stand behind what I said. I'm changing anything or backpedaling because you don't like it or disagree with it, childish or not. The facts remain that this is a mass produced product made (excuse me *a... 
Parasound halo JC2 what a joke
Magnum44, exactly, and just about every audiophile has been burned by an inferior product or products. At least you know not to buy any more Parasound stuff! 
Classic Rock: best domestic pressings
AC/DC-'Back in Black'You wanna look for 'Masterdisk RL' on both sides in the deadwax. That's it. 
Parasound halo JC2 what a joke
Keep in mind that the Parasound is a mass produced product made in Taiwan. Is that bad? Not for business, but there's certainly some cost cutting and other compromises that lead to shortcomings there.If you want a full balls-to-the-wall high end p... 
Rock and roll speakers?
That's actually a good speaker from what I've heard! Thanks for mentioning that one. 
3/3/2015 Another San Francisco Smash and grab
I agree with Taters. Gun control is not the answer. 
Infinity Primus P363 TAS review
Nice. You can't beat that price! Keep us posted.