

Responses from curiousjim

Lumin U2 or Aurender N200
@audphile1  Cool, I’ve pretty much decided there will be a N200 in future.😁  
You don't lack bass, you have too much treble
@12many  I don’t know how to answer your question.  It’s not just a trumpet. It’s anything from a Saxophone to Joni Mitchell’s voice to an electric guitar.  
Lumin U2 or Aurender N200
@audphile1  So it’s been a year plus since you got the N200.  Are you still loving it? Have you changed anything else since you bought it? I’m looking to buy the same streamer, so I thought I’d ask.  
You don't lack bass, you have too much treble
Hi @erik_squires  Thanks for the reply. The speakers have maybe 1° of toe-in. I will make it zero.  The floor behind them is carpeted, but I will definitely try more absorption behind them. Behind me is almost no wall at al. There are two door s... 
how do you stream ethernet quality in a non ethernet (wi fi only) room
@audiocanada  Most if not all streamers have cache memory. Even my cheap BS Node N130 has like 8gig of cache and I’ve seen 256 gig on other streamers.  
Acceptable to ask seller for option to return a component?
Absolutely yes.  I ask all the time and rarely get a no as an answer.  Heck, I even asked if I could return a dog once as I wasn’t sure she would play well with the other dogs and a cat we had at the time. All the best.  
Stuff You Tried To Love
 KEF Reference 5’s.🫤  
Jazz for aficionados
@pjw81563  Just got around to listening to the Soren Bebe Trio and this weekend, I’ll be listening to more. 🎶  
You don't lack bass, you have too much treble
@erik_squires  So I’m listening to Jazz @ 65-70 dbs and a trumpet pops in @80-85 dbs and it makes my ears hurt. The same can be said for Saxophone, electric guitars and some female singers.  I currently have 6 absorption panels and furniture and ... 
Jazz for aficionados
@jwei  The music of my youth.  
Differences in YouTube, Spotify, etc.
I’m using Amazon HD and Qobuz.. Tidal never did it for me.  
Parasound Halo JC 1+
What’s the difference between the JC1 and the JC1+ that would make you want to go through all the hassle of trading?   
Rockport Lyras
I don’t know anything about the speaker or why there’d be such negativity after all it wasn’t a Bose.😁  
Jazz for aficionados
@stuartk  And PM has so many albums to choose from that you can listen to one every day and go a month or two without hearing the same one twice.😁  
Excellent Solid State or Hybrid Monoblocks Recommendations
@pynkfloydd  I love the 6DJ8/6922/7308 sound and one of the selling points was the seller had matched  Mullard 7308’s in it. I also have several NOS Amperex 6922’s (PQ and Bugle) that I plan to roll in when I get more listening time.😁 I have KEF...