
Responses from cruz123

30 Years, 5 Cities, Many Storms - Not One Failure
Over a forty year period my parents home has been hit by lightning three times. Lost all TV's, phones, radios, etc. each time. 
Another article re CD sales
Historically one of the best places to buy new music in my area (atlanta) was Borders. However, I've noted that new Border's stores being built in the area have only a fraction of the space devoted to CD's that the older stores have. Out of curiou... 
Integrated Amps with HT bypass?
If you like tubes, the VAC Avatar has a bypass. Also, I believe you can get the Blue Circle integrateds optioned with a bypass. 
Buying HiFi at credit, anyone?
Like I said earlier, its easy to rationalize the use of credit cards as clearly evidenced in this thead. 
Buying HiFi at credit, anyone?
I would say that practically everyone that uses a credit card does so with a plan to pay it off. However, life intervenes in those plans too often, i.e. your car breaks down and needs repair, your water heater breaks, you lose your job, etc. and b... 
Buying HiFi at credit, anyone?
Agree wtih Reubent. If you can't pay cash for it, you cannot afford it. Simple as that. 
Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?
Well the good thing is that they come in "mikro", "mini", "large" and "extra large". I'm thinking a person would have to be a fool to start out with the "Extra Large". 
Tubes for Vac Super Avatar ??
I have the Penta KT88SC's in my Cary SLI-80 and they are the best I have tried and I have tried most of the major players in the KT88 field, with the exception of the JJ's. Also, in my opinion the sound of the solid plate Penta's and the version w... 
Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?
How did the Dixie Chicks "stand up to this administration"? Standing up to something means pushing back when you yourself have been pushed. The Dixie Chicks merely "spoke out against" the administration - an a excercise that requires little courag... 
Tyler acoustics questions
Bill, I have the Taylo monitors with the millenium tweeter upgrade. I bought mine used, so I don't know about break-in time, but just play music through them and enjoy the process. The Taylos are great, but I would love to have the sigs. You'll lo... 
Monitors Suggestions for my setup
I've had the Soliloquy 5.0's and now have the Tyler Reference Monitors now. In the same system (all tubes) the Tylers are a better speaker. The Tylers have a larger bass/midrage driver and sound fuller that the Soliloquy's. Also, the tweeter optio... 
New Tubes- Need Burn-In?
Merchans, I am using the Shuguang KT88's in my Cary SLI80 and they are as good as rumored. I got them from Penta Labs, which offers the "GEC clone" version of this tube. In my system this tube was better than either the EH or SED's. I didn't like ... 
Best Acoustic Guitar Players Of All Time?
I agree with Cmo that the bluegrass/flatpickers appear to be underappreciated. Check out this guy, for example.http://www.davidgrier.comGo to the "media" page for sound clips. 
Interconnect Recommendations
I second Rich's recommendation of the AZ Silver Ref. II's, which are excellent. You should be able to find them used within your budget. 
Acoustic Zen WOW and Sivel Ref 2
Between my tubed CDP and integrated tube amp (i.e. I only need the one pair of IC's), I first used the WOW, then upgraded to the Matrix Ref II, and now the Silver Reference II. The Matrix Ref II and Siver Ref II are much better that the WOW in my ...