

Responses from coralkong

Wall outlets
@mc1969 , electricity has no sound. But the stuff you plug into it sure does. The goal here is not create a simple circuit, but to get the most out of your equipment.  I don't see your system listed, so perhaps a simple $.89 Leviton outlet from H... 
Wall outlets
Following and very interested in hearing of your experience. I've thought about getting a SR outlet....as I primarily use them for my cables, interconnects, tweeks, etc.....(why not, right?), but am open to Furutech.  
dacs that I have had in my system - a listing
The absolute definition of "Chasing the Dragon".    
To Tone or Not to Tone, that is the question.
@mahgister , That's the most comprehendible thing you've said in weeks.....just saying. It's all just a tool. I like it. @deadhead1000 , I'm running a Classe CP-800 preamp into a Classe-CA2200 amp. Not sure why I'd need another amp.  To all, I... 
"Can You Lift Yours?"
I'm in the process of moving, so I feel your pain. I tweaked my back, but decided to continue moving my stereo equipment.  Bad idea. My amp weighs about 85 lbs and it nearly killed me moving it up a flight of steps. Speakers are about 80lbs ea... 
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
I've been called worse, lol.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@edcyn Wrapped in a conundrum? Lol.  
New cd player
Do you guys even READ what the OP is looking for? NAD C568 = No XLR Hegel Viking CD player = $5k, not even out yet... Technics SA-C600 = built in 30w amplifier, no XLR.... Marantz M60 = no XLR JC, people! And I thought I was bad recommending ... 
Classe vs Luxman any thoughts on the Stereo power amps?
@rbstehno ......interesting. I think the Classe (I am still running a CA-200 and a CP-800) is a lot more clinical than the Luxman. I've heard several iterations of Luxman amps, and always found them to be warmer than the Classe. Different stroke... 
Quality power question #2
The Rega fono mini is a $200 phono pre-amp, so I’m not sure how much more performance you can squeeze out of it. You can always try an upgraded power supply, as @carlsbad2 pointed out, but I’m not sure I’d expect miracles. Pretty quickly, you're... 
Listen with your skin.
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@nonoise , lol. Fair enough. Weep no more.  
Some observations from a former skeptic - and a question
@Ahuvia,  Who cares what you think?  It's not all about you. What did that last post bring the table? Nothing. Go join ASR.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
Come on guys. Let's keep it civil.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
I agree with @kota1 and @vonhelmholtz . Guys, put up or shut up as the saying goes. Just based on some of the responses in this thread, I will know to discount anything you have to say in the future...for whatever reason. I don’t care if you l...