
Responses from cleeds

We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
kosst_amojan"Fusers" strike me as the audio equivalent to those religious fundamentalists who insist you must pronounce God’s name in some strange way or else he won’t hear your prayers ... We need a snake oil forum ...The greatest fundamentalist... 
Connection Options for ARC LS-7 to D240 Mk.II
unsound... On the other hand you’ll get the benefits of balanced along the cable. His preamp has only a single-ended output so no, he won't get the benefit of a balanced connection no matter what type of connector or cable he uses. 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
geoffkait... I thought we already agreed a blind tests proves nothing. I'm not a big advocate of audiophiles conducting double-blind tests, which I think have greater value to designers and manufacturers. I wouldn't say they prove nothing but - f... 
We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses
gdhalTry hearing a sonic benefit in a blind test. That'll end the debate.Have you ever conducted such a test? If so, please share the details of the test. If not, how do you know it will "end the debate?"   
FM Antennas For Old School Tuner?
lak2,925 posts03-15-2018 7:49pmThat rod is one type of antenna, give it a try ...The rod is for AM, not FM. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
twoleftears... I don't understand why people get so worked up about pricing of components (cables) and--other thread--double-blind testing ...I don't think the people raising those issues are sincere. If they were, they'd do something about it... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
willemjI think I let them continue to rip off people like you. I have better things to do, and unlike in the US, there are no damages to be had. So sue them in the US! If your case is so sound - based on the legal precedent you cite - it should... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
dynaquest4cleeds says: "There is actually a whole industry base on high-end cables - pick up any audio magazine and you’ll see the expensive ads. "Yep....and now you know why they cost so much. And you still buy them!Actually, I don’t think you kn... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
willemj Not court cases, but effectively with the power of a court ... So, aside from the technicalities that I had not remembered quite correctly, society has acted against these crooks.Given that you cite this action as having "the power of ... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
dynaquest403-15-2018 9:21amI think exotic/expensive audio cables and the misleading advertising about them have not gotten much (legal) attention because so few people actually buy them.There is actually a whole industry base on high-end cable... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
folkfreakThe BBB comparison is not quite fair as the ASA is a statutory body (ie a government agency), more like the FDA ruling on a drug claim Sorry, but ASA is not a "statutory body" or government agency at all, but a self-regulatory agency v... 
Tandberg Unit needing some love
Soundsmith is very experienced in Tandberg repairs and I've been very pleased with their work. Plus, they're nice guys, too. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
dynaquest4Holy guys ARE old! How is it possible your hearing is even remotely still good enough ...Let's please not make this about age because if you do, it's only fair to point out that the human brain doesn't finish developing unti... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
dynaquest40... most claims regarding wire-related audio improvements are nothing more than suppositions.Oh no, that's simply not true. Almost always, those making claims provide very specific information about the wire and even details on their ... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
strongarmI started audio in 1965 with lamp cord and with PCs that were fixed to my ARC Sp-3 line stage and Dual 75 amps all sitting on planks ...That would have been quite a feat. The SP-3 wasn't introduced until 1973. The D-75 came out the ye...