

Responses from clearthinker

We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
@erik_squires     No-one's 'idolising' speakers that are hard to drive.  It's just that many of the best-sounding full-range speakers are hard to drive.  Unfortunate fact.  Something to do with the difficulty of finding free lunches?  
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
Once the real (for some) issue of static has been successfully addressed, all we are left with here is another cleaning fetishists fest. @dmk_calgary  Better get all that gunk at the bottom of your US cleaner analysed to check it's not vinyl.  
Is a FLAT response the IDEAL?
OP has a fundamental misconception of what is meant by a flat response.  Early posters above tried to point out and correct this but to little avail and now everyone's gone off at tangents.  I'll try again. A musical event is recorded.  The frequ... 
Does Hearing Loss Disqualify Me from Audiophiledom?
@dadork    I didn't think a mosquito sounds very HF so I looked at the paper cited.  The frequency varies by species between 340 and 750 Hz.  So not HF at all.  
Does Hearing Loss Disqualify Me from Audiophiledom?
@gruvejet     Thank you.  The amount of pressure seems to determne the HF volume and the HF response can go above what I recall used to be flat.  Regulating the pressure can enable the right response to be obtained. This is very interesting and a... 
Does Hearing Loss Disqualify Me from Audiophiledom?
A personal question.  If you still enjoy listening that's great. My father who lived to be 102 had an interest in listening that went back to the 1920s, before commercial broadcasting.  In later life he became quite deaf and had hearing aids.  He... 
@yyzsantabarbara  I read the specs.  The amp runs in Class B and has a circuit that senses when there is a peak in the programme.  It then puts the amp into Class A before the moment of the peak, so it can be fully reproduced. OK read that again... 
Choosing new cables
Emphasis on power cables is simply wrong.  Yes, spend money on active power conditioners if you have a dirty supply, but not on passive cables that just pass raw juice. Spend money on active cables, ie those that pass signal.  My order would be ... 
Will increasing speaker cable AWG make a difference in sound quality?
New idea measuring speaker cable by AWG.  Just buy some fairly heavy cable and stop obsessing.  If it really mattered you would move your amps and speakers so they could be directly connected/hard wired.  For instance, if I turned my monoblocs aro... 
Fee for home audition
Restocking fee?   What the hell is that?  Dealer started with the stock and he keeps it.  So why a fee?  Dealers I have dealt with always allow me to try equipment at home for a week or so at no charge.  Except cartridges. I pick it up and I deliv... 
Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!
@erik_squires     Yes.  There's plenty of self delusion here. Professional reviewers are paid peanuts.  Therefore even after buying their equipment at deep discount, they still have no money to buy nice apartments or even big rooms.  They collect... 
More Bass
Leaving the speakers only 1 foot off the back wall ain't going to be good.  
Bits are bits.  Even a 50c computer drive can read at <1 error per million. Spend all your dough on DA converters.  That's where the evil of digital lies.  
Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!
Fremer is a really good example.  He spent $2m+ (at retail, he never pays retail) on his system and $$$$$ on his power supply but listens in a small cave full of LPs and equipment. Get your priorities right Mikey, especially now you're playing fo... 
MC for Low Mass Tonearm
van den Hul.  Wide range of lightweights.  I have three.