
Responses from ckoffend

Wyred 4 Sound STP
Zybar, your feedback on this is greatly appreciated, this is exactly what I have been seeking.Madfloyd, I am very much looking forward to your feedback and results with this preamp. 
"DCS Delius" DAC direct to Amp?
Blackstone, I am glad to hear that you were able to get these results with the Delius. I have significantly upgraded power cables on my DCS gear, pretty good digital cabling (transparent) from my Duet and Transparent balanced from my CDP to the Pu... 
Krell KCT/FPB-300cx vs. Pass Labs X1/X250.0
As for the initial posed question? I would recommend the Krell Combo you have listed over the Pass combo you have listed. I think a better comparison is the X-1 with the 250.5 or much better yet, the XP-20 or XP-10 with the 250.5. The prior Pass a... 
Dedicated lines
First in reply to the questions/comments about hospital grade, I spoke in more detail to my electrician. The power cabling was NM/MC, which means it used non-metalic wires (no aluminum, etc. . . purer copper - so to speak). Secondly, the MC stands... 
"DCS Delius" DAC direct to Amp?
Audiofreakgeek, I agree there is certainly a lot of difference between the Delius direct and the AA components (CD players) direct. I did not own the Prestige, but I do own an AA Capitole II. My experience with the AA equipment direct is that it i... 
Wyred 4 Sound STP
Two owners reporting, this is a start. Can either of you contribute any additional comments, comparing and contrasting, defining your other components what you have run before, likes and dislikes of other preamps and target listening types. There ... 
Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Preamp
Theaudiotweak, did you submit your opinion of this preamp yet? I looked for such a thread, but did not find one, or at least anything that really offered any comments on performance. I will look again, but would appreciate if you could either e-ma... 
Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE Preamp
Poul, thanks for that info. That is the gist I got from my bit of research on the preamp. Have you been researching the preamp or just inquired out of curiosity? Anybody own one yet who cares to offer comments and comparisons? 
iTunes can't find Network Storage
I think Herman is onto it. You have identified the location to place music and where to look for music (to play), but now you have to run your search for music from iTunes to populate the music into iTunes.As for Apple not supporting iTunes, this ... 
DAC advice
If you choose the second option, I can strongly recommend the Northstar CD 192 (MK 1 or II) with Philips CDPro2 transport (one of the best in the world) and DAC 192 MK II. This DAC is very good to begin with (even more so if you have a server that... 
New FedEx Ground and USPS Arrangement
No thanks! If I wanted government employees to touch my valuable shipments I would though it out my car going 70 MPH at the road workers. I end up with the same results as using USPS - lost or damaged.USPS is a joke, just like Amtrak. They should ... 
Dedicated lines
When running dedicated lines, should I be using romex single solid core cabling or a twisted pair of stranded cabling? My electrician has recommended a hospital grade cabling that he is recommending I use for running new dedicated lines. 
Krell KCT/FPB-300cx vs. Pass Labs X1/X250.0
The Krell SACD standard units are suspect and plagued with transport problems. They have gone through three versions of the SACD standard and many of the first two series owners had to deal with major problems - some without adequate service from ... 
Levinson 333.5 vs. Krell FPB 200, 250, or 300 amp?
For what its worth, I previously owned a pair of Thiel 2.2 speakers (not the same as the 3.6, but still reportedly fairly difficult to drive). These were purchased on eBay mostly because the price was just too good to pass up as they were for "loc... 
Preamp/Headphone Amp Combination
Not sure if you are still seeking any input on this due to the dates noted, but there are a several good preamps with excellent headphone amps built in. I previously owned a Cary preamp that had a very good headphone amp, but I do not recall the m...