
Responses from chrshanl37

What music do you use to audition equipment/cables
Sure that is clear but I have to ask do you listen to your system and get lost for hours or do you constantly play the same tracks over and over or just play certainly parts of songs because they are the best a showcasing your systems abilities? I... 
What music do you use to audition equipment/cables
Sorry Infection I should have explained my point. If your asking for tracks that specifically showcase certain aspects like imaging/clarity/dynamics etc thats a different question. When it comes to auditioning gear I am with Roxy, at the end of th... 
What music do you use to audition equipment/cables
Use what you normally listen to. Period. 
Danish loudspeakers: Dynaudio & System Audio
Fair enough...I look forward to your postings in the months and years ahead. 
Danish loudspeakers: Dynaudio & System Audio
Wim do your self a favor and contact Bob Gross @ speaker art and see if he will build you a pair of speakers and be done. Yes they are out of your budget but its a small price to oay for everything your are asking for in a standmount. I am familia... 
Be honest please
Only when they clean them up, spray the pots with de-oxit, change the light bulbs and then claim the untit has been gone through by a tech or has been restored when they sell it. 
Looking for integrated better than my Rogue Sphinx
I have a Vincent sv237 and the price/performance is outstanding. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Really? Exactly what are some examples of the socialist domestic policy you so strongly oppose? 
Portable DAC compatible w/ iPhone or iPod
Check out the new portable batterey powered usb dac/headphone amp called Shift from Peachtree Audio. Might just be what your looking for. 
Funniest Quote About Your Audio "Affliction"
Mocking people who believe the earth is 6,000 years old, have been a major cause of wars, the spread of diseases and the genocide of indigenous people. Oh wait also don't forget taking the Noah's ark story literally, dening climate change and bein... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Why do people feel the need to start posts asking why people do the things they do? Are we all in this for ourselves or for everyone else? 
Does anyone else think this
Ah yes boom boxes and cassettes....wait why did they go by the wayside? Please remind us. 
Does anyone else think this
Tonykay nailed it. However I do think there are many young folks who would get into this if they had the money but lets face it guys the price of admission is getting higher and higher. Thats not to say that that there isnt alot of good entry leve... 
Tone of Muisc, SF - worst hifi experience. Yours?
I agree with Tonkay and Buconero....couple questions though. If auditions are by appointment only then why bury that info in the contact page of the website instead of having it on the home page? Secondly, why would Tim make a reference to Audiogo... 
Free $3K preamp to lucky listener who names it
I submitted rhyme, pace and tempo. Seems as if many of us were on the same page guess we missed the mark fellas!