
Responses from chrshanl37

why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
I dont have a dog in this fight and I could care less what others use for cables but these empty arguments are ofetn hard to ignore and laughable to say the least. jmcgrogan are you really trying to say that the performance between the two wires y... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
"audio as a hobby is dying, largely by its own hand. As far as the real world is concerned, high-end audio lost its credibility during the 1980s, when it flatly refused to submit to the kind of basic honesty controls (double-blind testing, for exa... 
ProAc Response 2 woofer rot - need some advice
Here is the number for Millersound: 215-412-7700 
Bill Legall-MillerSound speaker driver repair
Too funny I just posted about Bill on your other thread. 
ProAc Response 2 woofer rot - need some advice
Bill LeGall @ Millersound will sort you out. He is the best in the business and is without a doubt one of the nicest guys out there. 
Marantz 2230 to subwoofer ?
If your reciever has pre-outs (I believe the 2230 does) then you can run rca cable to line in on your sub.  
best bookshelf speakers for < $2000?
I have Speaker Art Super Clef's in a 12x12 room. They never sound bloated or boomy no matter where the listener position is. I would venture to say that they produce as much if not more bass than many of the usual suspect bookshelf speakers mentio... 
Searching for the ideal vintage bookshelf speakers.
I was just going to suggest the 710's Johnny good call. I have owned many models of ADS & a/d/s/ speakers and for bookshelf's the 710's and the L9e are my two favorites. Of those two the 710's are a bit more efficient. Can't go wrong with any ... 
Do ClassDAudio Amps Have Proper Decay Of Notes?
SCM I have that exact same amp and it is indeed impressive.  
Upgrade from Proac Response 1SC?
I've owned Response 1.5, 2.5 and 1sc's. As much as I like Proacs I feel Speaker Art is a better speaker in every way.  
morrow ma1 interconnect
All of my system cables are from Morrow including the MA1 and what your describing is the exact opposite of what I am hearing.  
Second audio system in your house?
At one time I had enough gear to build three or four systems. Sadly now space restraints due to a recent move have put the dreaded kibash on my collection even my main system has been scaled down considerably. However once the new house is finishe... 
I need advice on which speaker
You have so many choices in your price range and without a doubt your going to get ton of responses. You state auditioning is a bit of a challenge but it is an absolute must. I’m in a similar situation living in a rural area where auditioning is n... 
Value of Jensen triaxial speaker cones
They are worth what someone is willing to pay for them. The answer may seem a bit vague but that has been my experience with vintage gear. I would search completed listings on the auction site to what they are going for to start with. You might po... 
Docking station for an iphone
As long as your device see's it as being self powered you should be fine. When I researched this about a year ago I found this blog which has some good info.