
Responses from chrshanl37

Yet Another Budget Integrated Amp Question
Thanks for your replies guys but I started this thread a few years ago. That summer I stretched the budget and got a Jolida dac/pre and a class d audio sds 470c. Last summer I used a Vincent sv237 that I got a crazy good deal on. Still have the Vi... 
Integrated Amp Vs. Outboard DAC
I’ve heard some have had trouble with droputs and others have had success so hard to say. I guess you could get an apple tv and use airplay.  
Integrated Amp Vs. Outboard DAC
I agree with jl35 for a midfi system in your budget an integrated with built in dac makes more sense. If your using AE as a source and cd quality files no need to chase flavor of the day dac technology. There are some decent sounding integrateds a... 
recommendations for SS integrated with DAC for < $1200?
Another option would be an integrated from Peachtree Audio.  
recommendations for SS integrated with DAC for < $1200?
You can get a Hegel h70 within your budget. 
Who are the most underground high-end companies
Sonist, Speaker Art, AVI 
Peachtree Reliability issues?
I had an original nova with a noisy volume motor that was fixed and back on my doorstep within days. The techs were very professional during my correspondance and even offered to give me a new case at a deep discount for my troubles. Apperantly th... 
upgrading to class D amp.....
What he said. I have a class d audio sds 470c and its price to performance is off the charts. Having said that the ncore amps are incredible. If I were in the market for new amps and had twice your budget I would jump on the ncore mono blocks list... 
I just was curious about something
Tatertot your question is predicated on the assumption that those who listen to rap and hip hop are only listening to those genres. Most of the people that I know who are into hip hop and rap are also into many other types of music. Based on your ... 
Speaker recommendation for a Fisher 500-c
Tekton Enzo XL might be worth a look depending on your room size.  
How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?
Sorry I had typed that on my phone I meant Au 20000 integarted amp. Cheers. 
Ryan Speakers
Yeah gotta love the price to performance ratio reminds me of Speaker Art which are my current favorites. I'd like to hear them maybe Axpona? 
How many use Vintage Hi-Fi systems?
I have a few vintage systems left mostly unassembled at the favorite is ads l1530 mated with a sansui a20000.    
Suggestion used tube amp between $1,500-2,000
Where can one get a Vac 160 for $1.5-$2k?  
Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
Interesting thread Sunny, Somthing I have pondererd on more than one occasion. I’ve always been a fan of old ADS speakers for this reason. I had actually started a thread about it a few years ago when I was looking for a modern speaker that posses...