
Responses from chrshanl37

Bookshelf speakers for $500ish
There is a pair of Triangle Titus Ex on another audio site that are near your budget. I bet they would make a good match for your Marantz, they are front ported and fairly easy to drive. 
Life after ADS
Rmenergy....I have a pair of the original Clefs with the metal tweeter as well. I had been looking for a speaker in my smallish room and was afraid the Clefs would overload the room. Well I put them in to see how it would go and I have to say it s... 
Sold in one day
@Jmcgrogan2 You are exactly right. 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
I agree johnny when and only when they are set up to properly vandersteens sound great but off axis not so much. Kinda like the clues they need to be set up properly or they won't measure well either. 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
Zd the only one putting words in you mouth is audioiconnection. Again when you skewered roxy for his suggestion of the clue and said they are clueless you are speaking in absolutes. You go on to say that it is not that hard to get anyone to say an... 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
Also where in the thread were mini box speakers recommended? I recall active monitors being suggested but I must have missed the mini suggestion. 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
Audioconnection you were careful to choose the word "most" instead of "all" which would make your statement about mini box speakers untrue. Thank you for making my point about speaking in absolutes. 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
As we all know there are no absolutes here and to me that is the only thing that is common sense. To say that an active speaker can't compete with a passive with a separate amp in the same price range is nonsense and border line dillusional. The s... 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
curious to know what actives you have auditoned zd 
Marantz PM 17SA v PM 8003
Why not see if the seller is willing to bring the amp over so you can make a quick comparison assuming its for sale locally. This would take the speculation out of the equation. Hell give them a couple bucks for gas if need be. To sit here and gue... 
Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
"I think a floor standing speaker would be a much better way to go. See if you can audition a pair of Tekton Enzo xl's. They're very easy to drive and the bass is in a different league than what you have now. If for some reason, you don't like the... 
Vincent sv 237 Tube Question
Not looking to buy new tubes just curious. 
3/3/2015 Another San Francisco Smash and grab
*My last sentence should have said cooperations posting record profits take recieve more in government subsidies than those at the bottom recieving welfare. 
3/3/2015 Another San Francisco Smash and grab
Zd542 is right. A persons income has absolutley no indication of whether they will steal or not. Actually studies have shown that people who are wealthy are more likley to steal, lie and cheat than those with lesser means.Also you have to look at ... 
3/3/2015 Another San Francisco Smash and grab
Stealing, plundering and looting are not exclusive to those without means to generate income. Some of richest people and coorperations continue to do so with impunity.