
Responses from chayro

What do people place on their platter for dust protection
One of those speedmats.  Carbon fiber I think.  Works well as a dust protector.   
Wilson Audio Sabrina . . . I'm smitten. Should I consider others?
I would not buy any of those speakers new from a dealer without a home audition.  No matter how it sounds in the store, you need to hear it at home to know if it works in your room.  If you're buying used, that's another story.  You're paying half... 
C/D player
That’s a current model, isn’t it? If it’s working, why don’t you just get a really good DAC? Goodwins has a DCS Debussy up for $5900 with warranty. Do a little haggling and take it home. I honestly don’t think that you’ll significantly better what... 
IMO, there's one way to do this - Have your dealer give you a real demo and then you will know whether upgrading your table will make a difference to what you hear.  You will or you won't.  You are approaching this as if something is wrong because... 
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!
Many so called refurbished products are simply products that may have been returned for whatever reason, but cannot be sold as new.  I would have no problem buying a factory-refurbished product as long as it came with a decent factory warranty.   
Basis audio vector tonearm manual
Buy the setup DVDs for the arm and table from Basis.  They are extremely helpful.  One of AJ's design goals was to build a table and arm that the average enthusiast could set up as well as a dealer and it really helps to watch it done.  Best of luck. 
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!
You’re right - there is no such thing as break/burn-in. And bumblebees can’t fly. But while I do believe CD players take a few months to reach their potential, I can’t understand the fact that so many Esoteric owners say they take 500 hours of bur... 
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!
I think you will need to break it in for a few weeks before you can judge anything.  Actually a few months, but I'm trying not to dampen your enthusiasm.   
OPPO or Something Else?
On one hand, you're talking about "latest and greatest" and on the other hand, you're talking about spending 1-2k.  They don't go together.  I have an Oppo 205 and it's good, but IMO, if you're used to all-analog playback, it's going to be tough t... 
The Electric Recording Company —Furtwängler’s Beethoven Ninth
They're sold out on a lot of their titles, so somebody wants them.  I once thought about it, just to have one, but I never got around to it.  
How do I find an audio advisor who does home consultations?
I think you should not be so adverse to dealers.  Yes, I have had some negative experiences, but dealers have helped me put together some really great systems that I don't think I could have done myself.  Don't be intimidated and let them try to h... 
Static electricity pulled the rubber mat right off the Turntable!
I've seen several people get so hung up with analog that they stopped playing records because it's "too much trouble".  Plus they are always obsessing about alignment, VTA, etc, etc.  IMO, analog should be fun.  Yes, we should try to get an accura... 
Repair Linn turntable vs buying a different one
Everything other than sitting home and eating chicken every night is a waste of money. So now what? 
Static electricity pulled the rubber mat right off the Turntable!
Amazing.  Who would have thought?It's nice not having to fight with static discharges and go through a ritual every time you put on a record, isn't it? 
Repair Linn turntable vs buying a different one
Why would anyone replace a functioning Ittok with an Akito? If your Ittok is totally fu**ed, I would replace it with the Project job Linn uses on the Majik.  Or at least find a decent Ittok - there are plenty around.  Are you sure you're getting t...