
Responses from chayro

Component Impact
In one of my older systems, I was sure I needed to change the amplifier until my dealer, who sold both, proved to me that the sound I was looking for was actually achieved by upgrading the preamp. The system had more solidity, tonal accuracy and m... 
Arcam 73T player problem
I had this same issue with my EAR and the distributor said it needed a new transport. It was replaced under warranty. I'm not sure which one it uses, but I don't think it would be expensive. It's easy to install yourself. If I could do it it's not... 
Speakers or.....
Get a record player. I'm sure you will disagree, but vinyl can be a much more rewarding listening experience, regardless of speakers or system. I have no problem with digital and have owned a 10K+ CD player, so I'm fully aware of what digital can ... 
Power plant and power cords upgrades a real wow?
Onhwy61 - you're absolutely correct. Giving audio advice is akin to the fable about the blind men and the elephant -all of them were correct but still wrong. I agree 100% that any component sounds the way it does within a particular system in a pa... 
Power plant and power cords upgrades a real wow?
Rok2kid - I guess you're correct. There is no actual dirt in there, but there is something going on in the power lines that the Audience power conditioner appears to rectify. At least in the case of the power coming into my home. Makes quite an im... 
Anyone know of a good, quiet, small fan?
Vornado Zippi - about $25 and dead quiet. Cloth blades too, just in case the cat sticks his nose into it. 
Power plant and power cords upgrades a real wow?
IMO, wait for a used Audience AR6 (non-teflon) power conditioner to come up for sale and grab it. Yes, the teflon version is quieter, but the stock AR6 is outstanding for the money. You might even find an AR12 for very close to what you wanted to ... 
Power cable for Arcam receiver?
Personally, on a receiver, this Naim cord will be plenty good, IMO. 
Active audio cables ? I have no proof it works
You sound like you are upset and rushing to judgment. Synergistic is a reputable company and they make good products. I suggest you compose yourself and figure out how to set everything up properly, perhaps with the help of the dealer you bought t... 
If you're a fan of Billy Joel
Saw him years ago when he was still wearing the white suit. Thought he was a great songwriter and performer. Shame. 
Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help
Definitely sounds like a phase issue. You should get a strong center image, even with no toe-in, unless the speakers are like 15' apart. 
Small but high quality integrated
Heed. An amazing little amplifier. 
Recommendation for analog set for $700
It's important to have a good cartridge/tonearm match or you won't get the most each is capable of. Personally, I would buy a Rega MM cart, install it using Rega's 3-point mounting system and forget it for a few years. They're fine carts and requi... 
Recommendation for analog set for $700
I think you're starting to slide down that slipperly slope of "is this better than that". Right now, you have zero frame of reference for analog. As I said above, as you are just starting out, I would avoid anything that requires a lot of analog k... 
VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video
There is a counterweight gimmick for the Scout arm that makes it easier to set up. It lets you independently adjust tracking force and azimuth. Check it out.