
Responses from chashmal

Name three of yours the most favourite drummers
1. Ed Blackwell2. Zutty Singleton3. Max Roach 
The best acoustic guitar recordings??
How about Blind Willie Johnson "Dark was the night cold was the ground" (1927).By the way, I DETEST "Friday Night in San Francisco", with Al DiMeola, John McLaughlin, and Paco DeLucia. I saw the NY concert at Carnegie Hall. It was awful. Unmusical... 
Maple platform question
I have a Mapleshade amp stand with the squish worm and spif middle. The bob front is in fine conditon with a gutter chicken top. 
what is the best amp you've ever heard
Art Audio Carissa, ha ha 
Any fans of Jordi Savall? What is there on vinyl?
Thanks Rushton. I am going to follow up on all of this on vinyl. I have so much of this material and way more on CD, which is easy to find. But LP's of great performaces of this rather obscure area are tough. It is good to know someone else is int... 
"Litmus test" songs
Great question. I often use Ornette Coleman's "Ramblin'" to get the overall picture. Then I might go to a Schoenberg string quartet, like #4, to get the difficult space as a challenge. Then maybe all out baroque, like a Bach Orchestral suite. If I... 
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?
Sounds like you should just bite the bullet and get a tube pre. All the difficulties you cited are actually fun to play around with, and when you hit it...well, you know! 
analog vs. digital better ? or just different
To really make a clear distinction between digital and analogue you can't use your rig. There will be merits to each on your stuff. Obviously you know that you can spend tens of thousands on each. Judge by the extremes of performance, then scale d... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
"I don't care about you" by Fear 
Best Louis Armstrong LP to Start With?
Come on! Just get all the Hot 5's and 7's and be done with it!! (However watch for those terrible late 70's and 80's pressings). 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Anton Webern Boulez box set volume 4 
Has anyone had success converting friends?
Take a non-audiophile friend who passionately loves some piece of music in to listen to your killer rig and play it for them. If the soundstage is just right, there is a moment where you will both know that they 'got it'. What happens after that i... 
Has anyone had success converting friends?
Yep. Same with me Fruff1976. My friends are almost all music nuts, but still they don't care about audio. The common excuse is that great performances are often audio low quality, so why obsess about sound quality rather than performance? Oy. And ... 
Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs
Robert Wilkins "That's no way to get along" (1927)Mississippi Sheiks "Sitting on top of the world" (1931) 
Buying used vs. New
There are some items that I would definitely never buy over the internet like a turntable, cartridge, tonearm, and probably speakers. I am even questioning anything else too. I think new is the way to go if you can afford it, but it is so tempting...