
Responses from chashmal

How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view
The reason I posted this is that it happens to me all the time (especially when I am in the midst of upgrading). My goal is to STOP upgrading, which is not really that satisfying compared to the benefits of music itself. Hey, I love my S.E.T. amp.... 
Reconciling conflicting listening interests?
"each of us would like to have 3 or 4 systems and 3 or 4 listening rooms"Amen brother. However the dream collapses when we must turn it into an 'all around' system. They are 2 totally different ways of thinking. 
adding a sub
You should try Rel subs. They have 2 positive connections (right and left) and 1 negative (goes to either black). I think they are absolutely stunning pieces of equipment, highly adjustable and versatile. I also think 2 small ones is better than 1... 
Wise audio aphorisms
Jeez guys, the quality level is really slipping..... 
Wise audio aphorisms
Vibratory waveforms only bind to what receive it. Sound not heard is no sound. Sound half heard is mediocrity. 
Wise audio aphorisms
I don't get it somehow 
Wise audio aphorisms
I think you are going to be sick 
Wise audio aphorisms
The only difference between sound and thought is interpretation. 
Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?
Actually, what we need are more Albert-Porter-like gentlemen and less aggressive competitive nonsense! Where's the love? 
Wise audio aphorisms
Following the great axiom 'reality is perception', what can be said about audio obsession that can elevate the understanding of the outsider? What can explain what we do? The beauty, love, and awe? 
Why are all the Virtual Systems mega-assaults now?
Check mine out! Not an uber-assault by any means, but for a small space I would stack it up against systems costing 5 times as much. There is so much 'show-off' gear out there for mindless money'd guys to play with. The art of slowly crafting a sp... 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
I think that if you cry out to the audio gods in suplication, wailing your lament at the beckoning dawn of vibratory frequencies, then with heartfelt prayer and the incantory words of sacrifice, your sublime wish shall be you need s... 
Best short-lived band?
I cast my vote for the post-punk 1987 ensemble 'The Pizza Shitz' 
Where are best places to buy used records in NYC ?
Academy Records is so great, but the selection is thinning these days.... 
speakers for classical music
I think you should avoid metal tweeters like B&W style speakers use.